Chapter 4: Orientation

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The shrill sound of M/N's alarm pierced through the silence of the early morning, signaling the start of a momentous day. With a groggy yawn, M/N stirred from his slumber, blinking sleep from his eyes as he reached to silence the persistent noise.

With a quick glance at the calendar pinned to his wall, he confirmed the date.

"It's finally the day!!!" he exclaimed, leaping out of bed with a burst of energy.

But before he could finish his sentence, he stumbled and fell to the ground. His feet were tangled in an All Might-themed blanket, a casualty of his hurried awakening. Quickly untangling himself, M/N sprang back to his feet and dashed straight to the bathroom to get ready.

As M/N moved through the familiar motions of getting ready, his mind buzzed with anticipation for the day ahead. He meticulously dressed himself in his chosen outfit, carefully combing his hair and ensuring everything was just right before heading downstairs.

"Good morning, Mom, Dad!" M/N greeted cheerfully as he entered the kitchen, where the aroma of breakfast wafted through the air.

"Good morning, sweetheart," his mother replied, a warm smile gracing her lips as she set a plate of pancakes in front of him. "Big day today, huh?"

"Yeah, I'm so excited !" M/N exclaimed, eagerly digging into his breakfast.

With a satisfied stomach and a heart full of determination

"Mom, dad, I'm going!!" M/N yelled while rushing to put on his shoes.

"Okay sweetie!!! You do your best okay!?" "Good luck kiddo!!" M/N's parents yelled in response, their words of encouragement fueling his determination even more.

                         TIME SKIP

Upon arriving at U.A, M/N was greeted by a sea of eager faces, all hoping for a chance to prove themselves worthy of being a student of U.A. Amidst the crowd, M/N spotted a familiar broccoli haired boy within the crowd and he made his way over to Midoriya, a grin spreading across his face.

"Hey, Zuko!" M/N called out, his voice filled with enthusiasm. But as he drew closer, he noticed Midoriya's flushed cheeks and flustered expression.

"Uhhhmmm, Are you......okay?" M/N asked, concern etching his features.

Midoriya's response came in the form of a sheepish grin, his cheeks growing even redder as he mumbled, "I a girl!!!"

M/N blinked in surprise, amused expression crossing his face as he tried to process Midoriya had just said. "Uhhh ok? That's great!" he exclaimed, offering his friend an encouraging pat on the back.

But before M/N could continue speaking he heard someone from a distance shouting

"Out of my way you extras!!!"


"Watch where you going!"

M/N hearing the voice he immediately recognized who it was. Turning around, he confirmed on who it was

Do you know who it is?

"Suki!" M/N shouted with glee after recognizing the hot headed pomeranian.

"And what are you-!!!" Bakugou started, then realizing who it was, he immediately calmed down. "Oh, it's you."

An irk mark appeared on M/N's head. "What's that supposed to mean!?" M/N shouted in response.

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