Chapter 5: Entrance Exam

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M/N and the other examinees stood nervously in front of the huge open gate, staring at the enormous replica of a city. Some were so anxious they couldn't contain themselves, with a few even succumbing to nerves and peeing their pants!

Suddenly, Present Mic's voice boomed from the top of a building, "Okay, START!"

But even with his words echoing in their ears, they remained frozen in place, transfixed by Present Mic's presence on the building.

"What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights! Run, run!" Present Mic reminded them, urging them into action.

Finally snapping out of their daze, they dashed towards the city, eager to start earning points to pass the exam.

As M/N ran into the replicated city, he spotted a group of robots consisting of 1-pointers and 2-pointers. Without hesitation, he sprang into action.

As M/N encountered the robots and began to fight them using his water quirk, he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. With focused determination, he unleashed powerful jets of water from his hands, slicing through the metallic bodies of the robots with precision and efficiency.

The robots, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, attempted to retaliate with their own attacks, but M/N's agility and quick reflexes allowed him to evade their strikes with ease.

As the last robot fell to the ground in a heap of shattered metal, M/N took a moment to catch his breath, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

As M/N pressed forward through the simulated city, he encountered more groups of robotic villains lurking in the shadows. With each encounter, he honed his combat skills, adapting his strategies to overcome the varying challenges posed by the different types of robots.

In one skirmish, he faced a trio of 3-pointer robots . Anticipating their swift movements, M/N used his water quirk to create barriers of water, deflecting their attacks and creating openings for counterattacks. With precise timing and calculated strikes, he swiftly dismantled the robotic assailants, leaving them in a heap of twisted metal.

In another encounter, M/N found himself surrounded by a horde of villain robots. Undeterred, he unleashed torrents of water, creating whirlpools and torrents to disrupt their aim and disable their weapons. With his quick thinking and resourcefulness, he managed to outmaneuver the robots and neutralize the threat they posed.

As M/N pressed forward through the simulated city, his heart raced with excitement and determination. With each step, he felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, knowing that his performance in the entrance exam would determine his future as a hero.

Spotting another group of robotic villains ahead, M/N wasted no time in springing into action. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a powerful surge of water, forming it into a swirling vortex that swept towards the mechanical foes.

"Let's do this!" M/N exclaimed, his voice filled with confidence as he unleashed his quirk upon the robots.

As the water crashed into the robots, they staggered under the force of the attack, their metallic bodies groaning and creaking with strain. Seizing the opportunity, M/N pressed forward, his movements fluid and graceful as he danced around his adversaries.

With precision and finesse, he manipulated the water with expert skill, using it to ensnare and incapacitate the robots with ease.

As the last of the robotic villains fell to the ground, defeated, M/N couldn't help but grin triumphantly. Despite the challenges he had faced, he had emerged victorious once again, proving his worth as a hero in training.

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