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On a sunny day, in a lively playground, three energetic children enjoyed playing together.

The familiar call echoed through the air, "Tag, you're it," as one of the playful trio assumed the role of pursuer, initiating a lively game of chase.

"Hey, come back here!" exclaimed one, as the other was running as fast as he can, weaving through the playground's structures and open spaces.

Amidst the laughter and heavy breathing, playful taunts filled the air. "Haha, run, Zuku, Run!" teased another, encouraging their companion to quicken their pace. "Hurry up! Slow poke!" chimed in yet another.

After a few hours of these cheerful activities, the three children were seen on the ground, tired but content, bringing a peaceful end to their game.

"M/N!" called out the voice, punctuating the gathering dusk in the neighborhood playground. "It's time to go home, it's getting late."

The reluctant response came swiftly, "But mo-!"

Firmly, M/N's mother responded , "No 'buts.' Besides, you can still join Bakugou and Midoriya for more playtime tomorrow."

An audible sigh followed, accompanied by a disappointed, "Awwww, okay."

Resignedly, M/N turned around to face the playmates and uttered, "Bye, guys! See you tomorrow." As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the playground.

Children, oh so innocent and unaware of the real world

Excitement buzzed around as Bakugou proudly showed off his new quirk to his friends.

"Guys, look what I can do!" he said with a big grin.

"Wooooow, that's so cool, Kacchan!" cheered Midoriya, impressed by Bakugou's special ability.

"I want a quirk just like that!" exclaimed Y/N, eager to have a cool power too.

Bakugou, wearing a confident smile, shared his big dream, "When I grow up, I wanna be a hero! Maybe even the number one hero!"

"Me too!" added Midoriya.

"Me three!" joined in Y/N. The playground filled with their shared dreams and laughter, creating a happy moment under the warm sun.

Always dreaming big

The playground echoed with the energetic pitter-patter of little feet as the four-year-old M/N approached his two friends with excitement.

"Guys! Guys!" he called out, a beaming smile gracing his face as he ran towards Midoriya and Bakugou.

Curiosity flickered in Midoriya's eyes as he inquired, "What is it, N/N?"

M/N couldn't contain his enthusiasm and proudly declared, "Look what I can do!" With a small flourish, he raised his hand, and to everyone's astonishment, water started to form around his tiny fingers.

"Wooow! N/N, you got your quirk!" exclaimed Midoriya, his eyes sparkling with admiration for M/N's newfound ability.

While the air buzzed with excitement, Bakugou, not one to be outdone, chimed in with a hint of playful rivalry, "It's cool, but not as cool as my quirk."

But it seem like those big dreams aren't made for others

In the hospital, Midoriya's eyes lit up with excitement as he shared his dream, "I'm gonna be a hero, just like All Might." The air buzzed with anticipation during the quirk assessment.

However, things changed when the doctor, sounding sorry, shared the news, "Sorry, kid."

Midoriya stood frozen, trying to grasp the weight of the information. It felt like time had stopped as he faced the reality sinking in. The doctor added, "Ma'am, your child won't have a quirk," explaining the situation in the quiet room.

As the doctor's words lingered, tears welled up in Midoriya's eyes, silently tracing down his cheeks. The dream of being like All Might slipped away. The once hopeful hospital room now became a place where Midoriya, in his vulnerability, confronted the challenge of reshaping his path without the expected quirk.

And some friendships will be ruined

In the midst of a heated exchange, Bakugou's words cut through the air, "You don't have a quirk; that's pathetic."

M/N quickly retorted, "Hey, don't say that. It's mean."

Bakugou, undeterred, dismissed him with a mean tone, "So what? He's just a quirkless hero wannabe."

While this exchange unfolded, Midoriya, head hung low, voiced a vulnerable question, "Could I still be a hero?"

Simultaneously, the arguments continued.

"No, you can't," Bakugou asserted.

"Yes, you can," M/N countered, injecting a note of support into the conversation.

Good things must come to an end at some point

Since that day, the trio's dynamic shifted, and Bakugou began playing with other kids. M/N, while still playing with the two of them, sensed the change - the once tight-knit trio was no more. The laughter and camaraderie that once defined their playtime together gradually gave way to new friendships and different dynamics. Although M/N remained part of the group, the absence of their former trio left an unspoken void in the shared moments of the three.

What used to be such a tight knot now became loose

In a schoolyard confrontation, Midoriya stepped in to shield a targeted child from Bakugou and his so-called 'friends.'

"Leave him alone, Kacchan," Midoriya asserted, taking a protective stance.

Bakugou, unfazed, retorted, "And what are you gonna do about it, huh?" activating his quirk in challenge.

Suddenly, a water wave surged forth, forcefully pushing Bakugou and his friends to a distant spot.

"Leave them alone, Suki," M/N chimed in, his voice carrying a note of sadness.

Bakugou, displaying frustration, growled, "Grrrr, you're not getting away with this, you extras!" before standing up and walking away. The confrontation diffused, leaving the scene with an air of tension and the echoes of conflicting emotions.


Phew😮‍💨 that took a while of brainstorming trying to think of scenes in my head.

English is not my first language so I hope you understand and feel free to give me tips, advice, and fix my poor grammar.

Thanks for reading

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