La belle princesse

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Princess Theodosia was born in 3100 B

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Princess Theodosia was born in 3100 B.C. to her Mother and Father Queen Aikaterini and King Ioannis during the era of Ancient Greece.

During the reign of Queen Aikaterini and King Ioannis, Princess Theodosia was taught to be next ruler of Ancient Greece after her parents declare their reign of the kingdom over.

Princess Theodosia never had the chance to become Queen as her kingdom was brutally attacked and destroyed ending with her parent's deaths and her immortal beginning due to a witch potion.

The Princess had the ability to give life and take it away if she so wished. But she also had another ability, she had the ability of mother nature.

She could grow whatever she wanted and she could create creatures and bring them back if she so wished to see those magical and mythical creatures.

But in around 1300 B.C. she lost control after another brutal attack on her kingdom of Greece
and she saw a a man barely alive across her land
and she helped him, she healed him.

Princess Theodosia changed him into an immortal like she had become millennia before, but little did she know that this would cause havoc.

The man she saved would come to wreck chaos and destruction upon the race she started, the immortals.

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