Attaque du palais

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TODAY was a normal morning for the people of Ancient Greece, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was a clear beautiful shade of blue.

Princess Theodosia was practicing with her Mother Queen Aikaterini while their maids and butlers watched the young lady perfectly execute the challenges passed to her.

"Well done my beautiful little princess!" The queen hugged her only offspring and congratulated her.

"Your highness, it is time for supper." One of the butlers approached the princess and bowed to her.

"Thank you Dimitri let us go we don't want to keep Father waiting." Two maids followed the princess while the butler stayed behind with two others.

"Put this in the princess Theodosia's drink, don't ask what it is." One of the other butlers nodded and took the bottle towards the kitchen where he handed it to the chef with instructions.

"Dimitri said to put it in the princess's drink." The chef nodded and tipped it into the glass that belonged to the princess.

And at the dining room the royal family had no idea that their own maids and butlers were conspiring against them. Except they were not going against the princess as all she had ever shown them was kindness and compassion.

When their drinks came to the dining table, a maid named Sofia placed the glass in front of the princess before walking back to her spot.

"Theodosia, darling?" The princess looked at her mother and father confused.

"What is wrong Mother? Are you alright?" The guards, butlers and maids around the room smiled at the princess.

"Everything is fine Theodosia. But I heard you went outside the walls yesterday." The smiles were quickly washed away from everyone's faces in the dining room as the Queen spoke.

"You went outside the walls?!" King Ioannis yelled at his daughter who looked down with tears in her eyes and a frown in her face.

"Eat your food, you will not be leaving this palace ever again." Everyone stared at the King and Queen in shock as the Princess just nodded.

But Theodosia drank her drink first and then she started eating her food. The taste was delicious and she smiled at the chef's.

"The food is delicious thank you Ophelia, Adonis, Rhea and Ares!" They smiled and nodded at her in response but the King and Queen didn't like this.

"THEODOSIA!! you do not speak to the servants you are a Princess!" She nodded and started eating again while staying silent.

After the dinner Theodosia was in her room unbraiding her hair with her hand maidens Sofia, Callie and Eleni.

But then there was screaming and Theodosia went to run to the noise but the maids told her to stay out and to not move from this room.

Theodosia nodded and waited silently in her chambers until the door opened again and Dimitri and Atticus walked in.

"What has happened?!" They looked at each other before they saw Theodosia's eyes droop and she fell and was caught by Atticus before she hit the floor.

After a couple of days the Princess finally woke up and the maids and butlers were in the room with her, she rubbed her eyes gently.

"What happened?" But they didn't say anything as they were to enchanted by her beauty.

Theodosia walked to her mirror and she gasped, her skin was flawless and her eyes shone a brighter blue and her hair looked more full and lighter.

Dimitri walked closer to her and stood a few feet behind her. "Princess." Theodosia turned around to face him and she smiled. "Hello Dimitri!"

"Princess, we have some terrible news..." Her smile dropped from her face. The maids lowered their heads in respect for the Princess's loss.

"Your parents have been killed in an attack on the kingdom, I deeply apologise Princess." She didn't say anything and she just sat on her bed before looking at them with watery eyes.

"I'm... free?" They all just smiled and nodded their heads and it made Theodosia smile brightly.

"You are free to do as you please, although you are still the Princess." She nodded and grabbed Eleni and Margaret's hands and ran with them through the palace while everyone watched the Princess finally be happy and carefree.

And they could also live in peace without the King and Queen in their lives anymore. All the maids and butlers could think of was making sure that the Princess would be happier and allowed to live a more carefree life.

(P.S. there will be a large timeskip for the next chapter)

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