le cygne et le vampire

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ONCE it was time for everyone to leave and go back to their homes as the school day was over, the family watched as Edward walked out of the school with the Isabella Swan right next to him.

Theodosia noticed them and tilted her head with a frown as they walked over to the family. Jasper held his mate to his chest not trusting Bella at all.

"What is she doing here?" Rosalie sneered at Bella which caused Emmett to hold her around the waist.

But Bella didn't pay her any attention instead she looked at Theodosia which made the whole family anxious except for Alice.

"Are you okay,  I saw what happened to you in the cafeteria?" The whole family stared at Bella in disbelief while Theodosia just turned around into Jasper's chest.

"She is fine now, thank you for asking." Jasper had answered for her and it ticked Bella off for some reason which the rest noticed.

And then Angela came over with Jessica and they walked straight to Theo and whispered with her, well Angela did Jessica was there to make sure Bella didn't eavesdrop on the two of them.

Theo smiled at Angela before she whispered back and it made Angela laugh while Jasper just smiled and leaned his chin on top of her head.

Edward looked at Angela full of love and Bella noticed and she hated it, she wanted it to end because she wanted to be with Edward Cullen.

But when Edward and Angela hugged each other and shared an intimate moment Bella felt like she was going to explode and so she left but not before coming up with a plan. And only a few minutes later they all went home to be greeted at the door with Esme smiling at them.

Theo ran towards her best friend and embraced her into a tight hug making everyone smile, and Carlisle had just gotten home and seeing this moment he smiled happy to what he came home to.

"How was your day?" Esme smiled and starting chatting away about her day as Theo listened to every word before telling Esme about her own day.

The family all came together in the living room as they all sat down and watched films while just talking to each other, about anything and everything.

But after the fourth film Theo had fallen asleep and Jasper had taken her up to bed not knowing that she was actually using her nap to see her brother.

Once again Theodosia was in a red and black room and her brother was waiting patiently looking at the spot she last appeared in and he smiled when he saw her standing there. "Hello Dosie." She smiled and ran over hugging him tightly and he hugged her back.

"Hello Cai. What are you painting today?" She tried to peek at his canvas but he hid it from her but Theodosia was sneaky.

And then she saw it and it was a portrait of a very beautiful woman with beaming red eyes and she let out a gasp. "Athena aweee Cai your so lovesick!" He scoffed before he glared at Theodosia playfully.

"I am not." Theodosia gave him a look which made him sigh and turn to look at his canvas and he smiled at the painting of his beloved.

"So what brings you back here Dosie?" She shrugged and told him about her day and he frowned hearing about this Isabella girl.

"Is she bothering you, I can send a guard to her if you'd like me to Dosie." She shook her head with a laugh and she sat on his bed behind him as he turned to the side.

"No it's okay Cai, besides I think Jazzy would get her before you could." He nodded and a small smile found its way to his face as he was remembering his old friend.

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