Théo rencontre les changeurs

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AFTER the long school day had ended and Theo had gone and signed up for cheerleading, courtesy of Jasper taking her to the gym, the family drove back home and began to converse about Isabella Swan as they agreed she would be a problem. Well except for Alice of course, but no one particularly cared about what she thought.

"She isn't a problem your just making her out to be one. She's just like us without the immortality." She was met with blank looks from the siblings and frowns from Theo and Esme. But Carlisle had a different look on his face, as if he was battling the positives and negatives of Isabella Swan being in the loop about their family.

Theodosia was just staying on the side that Jasper was on, and right now she was sitting on the armchair with Jasper in between her legs as they hung over his shoulders, lying against his chest.

Theodosia started playing with Jasper's hair as the family conversed as she was in her own world she didn't notice Rosalie sending her soft smiles every now and then, until Jasper leaned his head back to look at his beautiful soulmate.

"Princess?" She hummed in response and looked down to look into his gold eyes that she so wished were his beautiful green eyes. She loved his green eyes and she hope to see them once again one day.

"Are you feeling okay?" She nodded and smiled at him and Jasper thought it was the most beautiful moment he'd ever seen, then again it was like that whenever he saw Theodosia.

"Yes, I'm okay I was staring at the woods." The family smiled as it was such a Theodosia thing to do, she would always just stare out into nature and due to her connection with the earth and its creations, it would cause her to be stuck in her head.

And the only one able to bring her out of her whirling thoughts was Jasper and her brother which no one knew the name of or where he was now.

"Well now that your out of it. What do you think about Charlie's daughter Bella?" Alice was the one to ask as she held an underlying tone which the others took notice of except for Theo.

"Well Charlie is very sweet and caring, and he's helped me a lot of times." Alice rolled her eyes as Jasper smiled at his beautiful and sweet soulmate.

"Isabella is pretty and she took the beauty of Charlie they look very similar." Jasper kissed her hand and she got off the armchair and lowered herself down in between Jasper's legs and he wrapped an arm gently around her waist hugging her close to his chest.

Alice nodded with a blank look before she left the room and went upstairs. The family shared looks as Theo played with the rings on Jasper's fingers, and he just smiled. She's always loved shiny objects.

Which is quite ironic since Jasper sparkles in the sunlight, but she already loves him so it's just a perk to being married to him for eternity.

The family just sat around and chatted for the rest of the day, until Theo sped out of the house followed by everyone else leading them into the woods.

Where she had a bad feeling, and she was right. There was an injured woman leaning up against a tree on the other side of the creek. Where the wolves lived, Theo quickly went into action sped over to the human.

She could hear her family shouting for her to come back but she needed to help this woman, not knowing that a pack of wolves were behind her.

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