The doorway to hell, literally

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"Should've known the god of thieves noticed his pocket getting picked," Annabeth opened the letter 'really never would have guessed',

She skims over the letter "back door to the underworld, magic word, map in the glove box, it says we'll become travellers once we're on the road," she looks up "then the car will take us wherever we wish to go,"

"So one of us just has to drive it out of the garage," Percy spoke, we all start to look at each other "oh, I'm still not 100% sure what we're doing here, which seems disqualifying," Grover added,

"And I have a raging headache unless you wanna go through a wall, it's better if one of you two drive," Percy nods "yeah, yeah sure I mean I killed the Minotaur on my first try, right?" He tosses the keys into the air "how hard could this be,"

We all climb into the car with Annabeth in the front seat next to Percy, he sticks the keys into the ignition and starts the car,

He drives forward and slams into a support beam "my fault that was me," "just try not to kill us please, I value the gift of life thanks," he glares at me through the mirror,

"How do you make it go backwards?" He wiggles around the gearstick before pressing the pedal, the car flys backwards into another beam "your doing great," Grover try's to be nice,

"Maybe try aiming for the middle?" Annabeth sounded concerned, Percy starts driving again slowly turning the wheel, the car jolts forward as he presses and releases the pedal,

"Look, you're welcome to give this a try," Annabeth shakes her head, I turn to Grover "you okay?" He looks at me and nods,

Just as Percy is driving a car speeds past In-front of him and he slams the brakes "that guy didn't even slow down!" He blares the horn, I cover my ears with my hands and squeeze my eyes shut "fuck,"

"Finn what's wrong," Annabeth turns to look at me "my head feels like it's splitting," I groan and curl in on my self "what do you mean?" She fully turns in her seat "it feels like my heads being pulled apart what else do you want me to say,"

Before she could say anything else there's a scrapping as Percy drives against the wall on our way out, squeezing harder the screeching of the metal made my headache worse,

"Get off the wall!" I screamed, Percy panicked and drove through the cone dividers before going through the pay machines and onto the main road,

The honking of a truck caught our attention and as it was about to hit us we ended up on a beach "where are we?" Percy was the first to talk,

"Turn off the lights," Annabeth said still tense, light rain was hitting the car, we all got out and as soon as my body was hit with rain my headache was soothed,

"Percy, Annabeth, Finn wait... you," Grover suddenly said "you guys are my best friends, little weird that I forgot a lot more stuff than you guys did," we all look at him,

"Wonder what that's about," it's silent for a moment "we weren't alone, it's easier to forget what's important when your alone," she turns to him,

"Wait what about Finn then, he was alone after I lost him but he didn't forget anything?" Annabeth had the same thinking face she did back in the truck,

Before anything else could happen Percy spoke "I think I gotta go meet my dad now," he looked at Grover "we'll be here when you get back," "what do I say to him?" Grover shrugs so he turns to Annabeth "you'll know,"

he then started walking towards the water, as he walks away I sit down and lean against the car, closing my eyes I relax,

Unknown place

Hidden away -Grover underwoodWhere stories live. Discover now