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"The 0 Heroes license shall be revoked; any actions of resistance will be treated under the law of vigilantism. From this moment forward your status will be that of a regular citizen."

The world was spinning, and that feeling of whiplash from earlier came back in full force. The Hero Commission President was in your hospital room. In your hospital room to take away everything.

"Madam President! Don't you think you're going too far?" All Might urged.

You were shaking, your entire being was shaking, and the tight grip you had on your bed sheets was all you could do to ground yourself.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Everything that you wanted to do, the plans, the hopes, the dreams—you could feel them slowly disintegrating with her words. Was this really your fate? Not even a measly year as a pro hero before you were erased from the history books because of some stupid fluke.

All those years of training, all the blood, sweat, and tears you had drowned in. Was it all for nothing? A useless waste of time? No. You couldn't accept that.

"Don't play with me, " Gran Torino hissed. "Plenty of those idiotic heroes have done far worse than her and gotten off with little more than a slap on the wrist. To even think about revoking her license is utter bullshit, President."

The women didn't even flinch, her face carefully composed as she looked over your stressed faces. "Except it wasn't just this one thing, Torino. This incident has caused an avalanche of negative public opinion aimed not just at Y/n, but the image of Hero society itself. Do you know how many people have come forward with their stories on how rudely she has treated them in the past? We even have Pro Heroes commenting on her behavior. This is the only way to quiet those voices."

You were silent, you couldn't even look up from you lap as she spoke, but her words seemed to echo in your head effortlessly. Rude behavior? Pro Heroes speaking out against you? What the hell was going on? Who was saying these things? Sure, you were stand offish during interviews, but that was solely because you were socially uncomfortable. It wasn't your fault you weren't as charismatic as Hawks or as charming as Lady Midnight.

Your old man scoffed, "since when did the Hero Commision care about public opinion this much? I've trained her for too long and too hard for you to throw away her career like this!"

You could feel the boiling rage leaving Gran Torino in waves as he glared at the President. With the way he was reacting it was almost impossible to tell that the two of you weren't even related.

Sensing the impending fight, All Might grew wary. "How about we take this outside, Y/n should be recovering, not worrying about these matters."

All Torino needed to do was glance at your miserably frozen figure, before his rage immediately quieted. "Fine, let's go." He grumbled, obediently following the rest out into the hallway to argue more.

You didn't know how much time had passed as you laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling in a cloud of gloom. But eventually, Gran Torino and All Might came back, the President and her minions nowhere to be seen.

You sat up, eyes latched onto their figures. "What now?" You muttered.

All Mights face wasn't as grim as before, but you were still hopeless. "We made a deal with her, your career isn't over yet, Y/n."

Your heart skipped a beat in your chest, "a deal?" You repeated slowly.

Gran Torino nodded, "you get one shot, kid. To earn back your license, you gotta prove to the Commission that you can work well with other heroes, that you deserve to keep your spot."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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