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Seungmin pov

As we wandered through the bustling hallways, Felix shared stories from his life in Australia, while we gave him a crash course in navigating high school in Seoul. Jisung, always the one with the best tales, filled Felix in on our past misadventures.

"Let me tell you about the time Jisung triggered the fire alarm during a chemistry experiment," Minju said, earning a sheepish grin from Jisung.

Hyunjin chimed in, "And who could forget when Seungmin got talked into playing the lead role in the school play? Unforgettable."

I shot Hyunjin a look, "Can we not bring up that embarrassing memory?"

Felix laughed, clearly enjoying our banter. "You guys sound like a blast. Can't wait to be a part of it."

Jisung elbowed Felix playfully, "Oh, just wait. High school with us is like a rollercoaster—always full of surprises."

Hyunjin grinned, "But it's the best ride around. Trust me."

Ever the voice of caution, I added, "Just brace yourself for their chaos. It's a daily event."

Felix's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "I'm ready for whatever comes my way. Let the adventures begin!"


As the lunch bell chimed, granting us a brief escape from the confines of our classrooms, we ventured into the bustling cafeteria. The air buzzed with animated chatter, mingled with the enticing aroma of various meals. Amidst the crowd, Felix and I, along with my friends, navigated through the sea of students, searching for an empty table

The cafeteria was abuzz with activity, and as I reached for the last strawberry-flavored milk bottle, my hand brushed against another. I looked up, and for a moment, time seemed to pause. Before me stood a beautiful girl, her eyes meeting mine in a fleeting connection. In that shared moment, I felt an inexplicable pull.

She smiled, a gesture that could light up the room, and said, "Oh, you can have it."

I hesitated, surprised by her generosity. "Are you sure? It's the last one."

She nodded, "Absolutely. I can find something else. Enjoy your lunch."

In a gesture of politeness, I decided to let her take it. "No. It's okay. You can have it," I said, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Thank you," she replied with a genuine smile, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. She gracefully took the bottle and rejoined her group of friends.

I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty – the way she carried herself with an effortless grace, the elegance in her every move. For a moment, I found myself lost in thought, captivated by the encounter.

Jisung, noticing my distraction, elbowed me playfully, "Seungmin, you just gave away your last strawberry milk to a goddess. Smooth move."

Hyunjin added with a teasing grin, "I didn't know you had a soft spot for damsels in distress, Seungmin."

I rolled my eyes at their playful banter but couldn't shake off the image of the girl's enchanting smile. As we settled into our seats, the cafeteria's lively atmosphere continued around us, but my thoughts lingered on the brief encounter with the mysterious girl.

As we began our lunch, Felix's phone buzzed with a message, drawing his attention.

"Guess what, guys? My cousin goes to this school too, and she's a senior," Felix announced excitedly, a grin spreading across his face.

Stuck With You// Kim SeungminWhere stories live. Discover now