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Minju pov

Seungmin stayed icy as ever when I asked him to help me clean up my latest mess. The nerve of him to refuse! It's not like I was asking for the moon, just a small favor to smooth things over with Minhee Unnie. But oh no, Seungmin had to be the epitome of virtue.

Then, to add insult to injury, he actually stopped me from coming to his place, telling me that I should face the consequences of my actions and confess my mistakes.  Confess? Who does that willingly? Definitely not me.

I pulled out all the stops trying to soften him up, but Seungmin stood firm. It was like talking to a brick wall, and I swear he's mastered the art of not giving in to my charms.

So, with no other options, I headed home, already bracing myself for the storm that was coming my way. Trying to dodge my sister's anger isn't easy, but hey, at least I gave it a shot.

Back at home, Mom inquired about my morning visit to the Kim's.She looked at me with a curious expression "Minju, why did you go to the Kim's this morning?"

Feeling the weight of her gaze, I hesitated for a moment, my mind quickly crafting a story to divert suspicion, "Oh, um, Seungmin needed some notes for our first day of high school. You know, just typical nerdy stuff."

Mom nodded thoughtfully, seemingly satisfied with the explanation, "That's nice of you two to help each other. Friends are important, especially during the beginning of a new school year."

Relieved that my lie seemed to have worked, I failed to notice my older brother, Minho, entering the room. He was the example of a slightly older version of Seungmin – smart, quiet, and aloof. 

 As Mom continued with her tasks,Minho Oppa's eyes met mine, his gaze penetrating, and I felt the need to offer more explanations. "Seungmin needed notes? Really?" he inquired, his tone calm but probing.

Attempting to maintain an air of innocence, I responded, "Well, you know, first day of high school and all. We're being diligent students, trying to start the year off right."

Minho Oppa raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his expression, "Minju, you forget I know Seungmin well. He's not the type to ask for notes on the first day, especially from you."

"Well, maybe he's changing. People change, you know," I shrugged.

However, my brother knows me too well, better than my parents I might say. He pushed the question further, his expression unyielding, " You did something questionable again, didn't you?"

Caught off guard, I sighed, realizing that my attempts at evasion were futile. "Okay, fine. I might've borrowed some of Minhee unnie's allowance to buy a comic book. I told her that I used it for Seungmin's birthday present but that ungrateful child refused to lie for me, and now I'm in trouble."

Minho Oppa's expression remained impassive as he deadpanned,"Minju, you should know better than to get involved in these schemes. Seungmin's not the kind to participate in your stunt, and you shouldn't drag him into them."

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration, I replied, "I didn't drag him into anything. I just needed a little cover, and he refused to play along."

Minho Oppa's gaze remained steady, "Maybe it's time you learn to face the consequences of your actions, Minju. Manipulating situations won't always work, especially not with someone like Seungmin."

As he turned to leave the room, Minho Oppa added with a faint smirk, "And remember, Seungmin's not the only one watching. You might want to be more careful with your comic book expenses."

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