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Minju pov

After breakfast, Seungmin, Chan Oppa, and I said our goodbyes to Uncle and Auntie Kim and headed out the door, ready for the first day of school. Starting high school filled me with anticipation. High school meant endless opportunities and mischief; I was ready for the chaos.

As we walked, I turned to Channie Oppa with a grin, "Can you believe it, Oppa? Seungmin's officially a high schooler. Our little nerd is growing up."

Chan chuckled, slinging an arm around Seungmin's shoulders, "Yeah, who would've thought? Seungmin, the high school heartthrob."

Seungmin shot Chan a deadpan look, "Heartthrob? Seriously, hyung?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, come on. You're practically the poster child for academic charm. The ladies will be lining up for your study sessions."

Seungmin scoffed, "Study sessions? That's your idea of romance?"

I nudged him playfully, "Hey, brains are attractive. You're going to be the classroom genius, and who can resist that charm?"

Chan joined in, "She's got a point, Seungmin. Embrace the nerd chic."

Seungmin's sarcasm was practically a force of nature. "Oh, how could I forget the appeal of nerd chic? It's a lifestyle."

I grinned, undeterred, "Exactly! Now, prepare yourself for a flood of admirers. You might need a study schedule just for that."

He rolled his eyes again, "I can't with you,Lee Minju"

"So, Channie Oppa, got any advice for your little sis here on her first day?" I nudged Chan oppa, the ever-cool senior who had navigated these halls before.

He smirked, "Just don't get lost, Minji. And avoid the cafeteria food at all costs."

I mock gasped, "Words of wisdom right there."

Seungmin, chimed in with his trademark sarcasm, "Because surviving high school is all about dodging the cafeteria menu."

I shot him a playful glare, "Well, someone's in a cheerful mood today."

Seungmin shrugged, "Just bracing myself for the Minju chaos."

Chan interjected, "She's got a point. High school with Minju is like a rollercoaster. Buckle up, little bro."

I grinned, "You're just jealous you don't have my level of excitement, Kim Seungmin."

He raised an eyebrow, "Excitement or a one-way ticket to trouble?"

As we bantered our way to school, Seungmin remained aloof, offering sarcastic remarks at every turn. It was our usual dynamic - me, the excitable force, Channie Oppa, the calm observer, and Seungmin, the master of deadpan sarcasm. The first day of high school awaited, and with each step, I was ready to embrace the freshman adventures that lay ahead.


At the busy school gate, our friends were already there. Han Jisung, my partner in crime when it came to being clumsy and loud, greeted us with an enthusiastic wave. Hwang Hyunjin, the overdramatic heartthrob with a face that could launch a thousand ships, joined in with a charismatic smile. Our gang was complete, ready to tackle the first day of high school together.

After a quick good luck from Channie Oppa, he headed off to join his crew. "Catch you guys later. Remember, Seungmin, keep Minju in check."

I shot him an offended look. "Excuse me! I'm the one who keeps Seungmin out of trouble."

"Actually, you are the trouble, Minju, "Seungmin stayed true to form with his dry humor.

Jisung jumped in with his usual energy. "But she's the fun kind of trouble! School would be so boring without you."

Hyunjin winked. "Who else would bring a little drama to our lives? We'd be totally lost without you."

I beamed, loving the camaraderie. "See? The world would be way too quiet without me."

As Chan oppa vanished into the crowd, the rest of us made our way onto the school grounds, ready for whatever the day would throw at us.
As we strolled through the school gates, our group was a lively mix of personalities. Jisung's energetic clumsiness, Hyunjin's dramatic flair, Seungmin's dry wit, and my own mischievous spirit promised to inject some excitement into the routine of high school life.

As the first class began, Mrs. Park, our teacher, announced a surprise addition to our class - an exchange student from Australia. Anticipation filled the room as we waited to meet our new classmate.

"He's good looking," Hyunjin whispered beside me, his eyes already scanning the door for the mysterious Australian.

Jisung, always one for commentary, added with a mischievous grin, "I hope he's not one of those effortlessly cool guys. I'll feel personally attacked."

As Mrs. Park opened the door, our attention shifted to the entrance, and there he was - Felix Lee, the Australian exchange student. With his easy smile and charismatic aura, it was clear why Hyunjin had made that comment.

Felix took the stage, standing in front of the class, his Australian accent adding a unique charm to his introduction. "G'day, everyone! My name's Felix, or Lee Yongbok if you prefer. I'm excited to be here in Seoul and make new friends."

Jisung elbowed me, whispering, "What did I tell you? This year is already turning out to be more exciting than expected."

Hyunjin blurted out, "What do you think? Is he cooler than me?"

I smirked, "Well, he's certainly got the accent. Points for that."

Seungmin shot them a disapproving look. "Can you guys be any nosier? Let the guy introduce himself in peace." Jisung and Hyunjin exchanged guilty glances, as Seungmin scolded them for their nosy tendencies.

Felix, seemingly unfazed by the whispers and comments, continued, "I might not be fluent in Korean yet, but I'm eager to learn. So, feel free to correct me if I mess up."

Jisung couldn't resist making a comment loud enough for the whole class to hear, "You're doing great, Felix! Better than my attempts at English, that's for sure."

Hyunjin added with a wink, "We should recruit him for our drama club. He's got the looks and the accent."

Seungmin sighed, "You two are unbelievable. Show some respect."

Felix, with a good-natured smile, thanked the class for the warm welcome, and Mrs. Park proceeded with the lesson.

As Mrs. Park directed Felix to take a seat in front of me, I couldn't help but exchange glances with Jisung, who sat beside me. Hyunjin and Seungmin, flanking me from behind, seemed equally intrigued by the new guy.

Felix flashed a friendly smile as he settled into the desk in front of mine.

Unable to contain our curiosity, Jisung leaned over to me and whispered, "Minju, this is our chance to make a new friend. Let's introduce ourselves after class."

Hyunjin, ever the extrovert, added, "And maybe convince him to hangout with us. We could use an international touch within our group."

Seungmin rolled his eyes at their scheming. "You guys never change. Always on the lookout for a new adventure."

After the class, Jisung, ever the social butterfly, took the lead. "Hey there, Felix! I'm Han Jisung, and this is Minju." He nodded towards me.

Hyunjin chimed in, "I'm Hwang Hyunjin, the official heartthrob of this class."

Seungmin, with a hint of sarcasm, added, "And I'm Kim Seungmin,the normal one among these guys"

Felix laughed, "Nice to meet you all! I'm Felix Lee, the Aussie trying to survive in this Korean adventure."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his easy going demeanor. "Don't worry, Felix. We're a pretty chill group. Welcome to the chaos."

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