✧21. Delinquent.✧

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Deuce absolutely demolished those guys. He was the only one left unscathed by the time he was done. "This guy's outta his mind!" The tan one was practically trembling. The redhead grabbed him by the arm. "Bwah! L-let's get outta here!" He then cowardly ran away with the tan boy in tow. "Next time you eat an egg, you better apologize a hundred times, you buncha chumps!" Deuce called after the retreating upperclassmen. 

He seemed so angry. This reminds you of when he yelled at Ace back at the Dwarfs' Mine. It's so odd how he just flips like a switch. You walked up behind him and patted him on the back, feeling how hard he was panting. "Breathe, man..." You rubbed circles into his back. He was so worked up so quickly, it was concerning. "Whoooooa..." Grim mumbled as he stared at Deuce. You felt Deuce suddenly tense up, seemingly snapping back to reality. "...Urk!" You removed your hand from his back. "What's wrong?" Grim cocked his head to the side at the sudden reaction. 

"I did it again, didn't I...? ARGH! I was dead-set on becoming an honor student this time, too!" Deuce stressed, running a hand through his hair. His expression was of disappointment, not for anyone but himself. He put his hands on his head and crouched, mourning his loss of self-control and staring at the broken eggs on the ground. He moved his hands from his head and rested his elbows on his knees, he looked like he was really beating himself up. "Huh?" Grim was still confused. 

You crouched down as well, simply following Deuce to be able to hear him better. "When I was in middle school, I was pretty wild." He began as he looked down at the concrete below him. "I cut school all the time and got in fights. I called my teachers names, hung out with bullies, bleached my hair..." The boy counted his misdeeds. "I blasted around tight curves on my Magic Wheel... I'd show off my magic to kids who couldn't use it yet... I was a total punk." He rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke. 

You honestly hadn't gotten the delinquent vibe from him. That's partly why you wanted to get to know him more. He described himself as a "punk" but, unlike Ace, he was always respectful when interacting with you. "So you were only a little more annoying than you are now?" Grim deadpanned as he crossed his arms. You shot him a glare. "That's hard for me to picture..." You thought out loud. 

"But one night, I saw my mom talking on the phone to my grandma. She was trying to hide from me, but I saw her, and I could tell she was in tears." Deuce continued, ignoring your's and Grim's comments. For a moment you understood how he felt. You've only ever made your mom cry once. It felt terrible. "She was saying how she must have been a horrible mom, and that maybe she never should have tried to raise me by herself." The boy ran a hand through his dark hair. "That had nothin' to do with it! She hadn't done anything wrong. It was all me. When the carriage came to take me to Night Raven College, she was so happy for me. I decided then and there that this time, I wouldn't do anything to make her cry."

"This time, I'd become an honor student - someone she could be proud of." He explained before looking over at the bag that was dripping with egg goop. "And I already messed it all up!" He frowned deeply at the thought. "I mean, did ya, though? Is putting up with jerks what honor students do?" Grim raised an eyebrow in question. "Yeah. That was basically self-defense. They were instigating it, they deserved it." You added to Grim's statement. Deuce looked surprised. "Huh...?" 

To a certain extent, you can relate to Deuce. You're both ashamed of your past. Hanging around humans has really shown you how complex they are and their complexities have made you feel... upset about your past. While yes, you were acting on instinct, you still maintained that residual guilt you had always felt about feeding on men. That sinking feeling that you had taken a life that may or may not have deserved it. You're starting to feel like the way you felt about men, that they were vile creatures, wasn't necessarily correct. While the scent of man still sends pangs of hunger into your stomach, it wouldn't feel morally right to eat them. Though, it is quite tempting. 

"Even I, Grim the Magnanimous, was ready to pound those losers into tuna paste!" Grim punched his paw into his other hand before huffing. "You just got to 'em first." You nodded along with Grim. Deuce wore an expression of relief on his face, he was scared you'd judge him based on his past. Honestly, who are you to judge when your past is far worse than his? "You guys..." He mumbled. You smiled widely, barring your sharp teeth unintentionally. "Even honor students get angry sometimes." You reassured the boy. Even though the sight of your razor-sharp teeth was unnerving, Deuce smiled back at you with warmth. "Heh heh... I guess you're right! I just hope those chicks can rest in peace." He glanced back down at the gooey bag.





You were in shock for almost all of the walk back. Do humans... lay eggs? Is an alternate name for children "chicks"? What is going on... you already knew eggs were a part of repopulation, but you didn't know humans had those! Isn't this cannibalism?! Hypocrites. All of them. "What are chicks." You suddenly asked Deuce. He initially gave you a very confused look but explained it anyways. "Chicks are like... baby chickens." Oh! "Right. Knew that. Just testing you..." You half mumbled. Deuce deadpanned at you. You felt relieved that humans don't eat their young.

"Ah, you're finally back! Took ya long enough." Ace rolled his eyes as your group walked back into the kitchen. You waved to Ace and immediately went to go tell Yuu about your discovery. Upon telling him your discovery, you were met with the shocking news that the eggs we cook with do not contain babies. You... suppose that makes sense. When the eggs cracked, there was no visible embryo. "Who told you that??" Your vice dormleader furrowed his eyebrows at you. You pointed to Deuce. 

Yuu sighed before going over to Deuce to burst his bubble. A visible look of devastation washed over his face when he heard the news. Yuu pat Deuce on the back before walking back over to you, leaving Deuce in a state of confusion.

Trey interrupted the chat. "Let's get this tart-y started!" He announced, smiling as he delivered his terrible dad joke. 


A/N: Y/N is legitimately so gullible to land things... She and Deuce have like... the same level of smarts. Except she's a little smarter than Deuce. Type of person to genuinely believe in Santa Clause and then be absolutely devasted when someone tells her that he doesn't exist.

ALSO SORRY THIS IS SHORT!!! I wanted to get this out now because if I didn't I would never finish it... The next chapter will be longer ofc.


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