-The Quiet One-

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-3rd POV-

It was a normal morning at Ouran Academy, students filing into their classrooms and settling in as the days' lectures began. After about 30 minutes of lecture, the 3A classroom door lightly slid open, revealing her.

She stood at about 5' 10", with silky raven black hair that fell down past her shoulders, to the small of her back. Her smooth pale skin was a frail reminder of porcelain. Her golden eyes holding a look of determination... and something else. She paused momentarily, not trying to interrupt the sensei's lecture. He paused at the notice of movement to his side.

"Ah, you must be our new student. I'm assuming you're late due to sorting out the rest of your schedule. Please introduce yourself to the class and take a seat."

She simply nodded at the sensei before turning to the rest of the class.

"My name is Nakanishi Noriko, please take care of me." She spoke softly yet clearly, presenting a deep bow to the class, before taking the open seat in between the window and a certain tall stoic man.


Mori's POV

"My name is Nakanishi Noriko, please take care of me." The girl in front of the class bowed. She bowed much deeper and more genuine than most people did at this school. From the outside she looked frail, like a porcelain doll, but when our eyes met briefly before she took the open seat next to me, it struck a chord within me. Her golden eyes were fierce, and while her face remained in a stoic expression, those eyes told a story. It wasn't obvious to most, I could tell, but there was a swirl of emotion in those golden eyes.

As the lecture advanced, I moved my focus to my notes, momentarily forgetting all I wanted to know about those golden eyes.


Noriko's POV

Here I am, sitting in class and taking notes as if nothing had ever happened. As if there was no strange reason for me to be transferring to this pastel paradise mid semester. I'm sure there will be people to ask questions. I will just give them the simple, non emotional answer. I moved here to the families second estate to oversee operations in the area while finishing high school.

The Nakanishi Companies are well known for their restaurants and bakeries, however they also play a big role in the agricultural industry. Seeing as we produce almost every ingredient our restaurants and bakeries need, we limit the amount of deals we need to make with outside businesses and basically monopolize the industries for ourselves. While I think it's morally wrong to ensure your company makes so much more money than other companies that they stand no chance in the field, I have to admit my family has made many very smart business decisions for our companies.

Soon the bell rang for lunch, I finished the note I was taking and folded the book closed, gathering the rest of my materials into my bag.

"Uhm- Nakanishi-san, was it?"
I looked up to find a group of three girls in front of me. The one who spoke had dirty blonde hair and light green eyes. She wore a kind yet nervous smile.

"Yes, that's me. And what are your names?" I asked with a small smile. While I don't like to talk much, I'd also like to get to know at least one person in this school. Not only were there many future business opportunities in this school, but I knew there was a potential for good people, maybe even friends.

"My name is Kirigaya Akeno, you can just call me Ake-san. This on my left is Nishimoto Yutori," she referred the the girl on her left who was a tad bit shorter than her, with lighter brunette hair and blue eyes. "-you can just call me Yutori!" She added as Akeno continued. " And this on my right, is Asai Rinako." The girl on her right was about the same height as her, all of which were shorter than me by an inch or so. Her hair was a dark brown, and she had medium toned brown eyes. "You can just call me Rina-san." They all smiled very kindly towards me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I bowed to them, causing them to blush a bit.
"Anyways," Ake-san continued "We were wondering if you'd like to join us for lunch."

I debated it for a moment before giving a small smile and a nod. They all looked happy and content with my agreement, and I followed them out of the classroom to the dining hall.

The food was, as expected of a rich school, very well prepared and quite delicious. I enjoyed my meal in silence for the most part, listening to the conversation of the three girls who had invited me to eat with them.

"So, Yutori, did your parents finally decide to let go of the arranged marriage idea or are they still searching for a suitor?" Rina-san asked, with a bit of disgust on the words 'arranged marriage'. Yutori blushed a bit in response to the question, although I think the heat rising to her cheeks was more from anger/frustration than embarrassment.

"No, they haven't dropped it yet. Luckily they haven't picked someone yet though. It's just so unfair, to expect me to fall in love and make babies with whatever man they tell me to. It's disgusting. I love and respect my parents, but if they force me to marry someone I barely know it would be unforgivable." She ended her small rant with a huff and a pout. I looked at her with a small hint of amusement, I doubt anyone would pick up on it though.

"I know you can convince them to drop it," Ake-san started. "You're a smart girl and your parents love you, if they know not letting you find your own love will cause you despair and unhappiness, they will come to their senses and drop it." She smiled very supportively at the slightly shorter, slightly younger girl. "Yeah, just focus on your studies and find someone who you love and maybe also meets their standards."Rina-san added with another smile. They looked to me and I nodded in agreement offering my own kind smile to Yutori.

"Thanks you guys, I couldn't ask for better friends!" Yutori beamed, her blue eyes shining brightly. Then Ake-san turned to me. "So Nakanishi-san," Here it comes. "what caused you to transfer to Ouran mid-semester?"

"I moved to my family's second estate, as I will be overseeing the operations of our business in the area. Seeing as I still have to finish my degree, Ouran was the closest and best school to the estate." I answered with a small smile. They seemed a little shocked with the amount of words I spoke. I am really quiet sometimes...

"So you have an estate to yourself?" Yutori asked. I nodded.
"Wow, you must be really good at business management to already have this much responsibility." Ake-san added.
"So you're a Nakanishi, as in the Restaurant and Bakery chains?" Rina-san asked. I nodded once more.
"Don't they also own a good deal of the agricultural industry?" Yutori asked thoughtfully. I nodded.

The rest of lunch went by pretty quick. I got to learn a lot about these girls, and I wouldn't mind having them as friends. While they're also rich and privileged they also seem pretty down to earth and realistic. They know the roles they must play, and they play them well. They study hard and act polite and kind so they too can inherent their companies. It's the blessing and curse almost all of us here carry.
We walked back to room 3A, with little conversation on the way.

As I took my seat, I once again made eye-contact with the tall guy that sits next to me. Although his eyes were on mine way before mine were on his. Once our eyes locked, it was held for merely a second before he flicked his away in an attempt to hide that he had been staring. That second seemed to last forever though.

His stoic nearly emotionless expression was almost startling but I found a comfort in it. His eyes however, while masked by his stoic emotionless face, showed a flicker of curiosity. A yearning for knowledge. The image of his eyes looking into mine was locked in my head until the sensei cleared his throat, and started the afternoon lecture.

The Quiet One (OHSHC) (MorixOC)Where stories live. Discover now