-The Quiet Six-

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Noriko's POV

Once dinner wrapped up we all moved back to the living room, where we were discussing what to do next. Some people wanted to watch movies while some people wanted to play games next.

"We could always split the group and do different activities at the same time." Haruhi suggested. I saw Takashi's eyes glimmer a bit at this... maybe he wants to get me alone? I did tell him with my eyes earlier that I'd tell him everything. He seemed to understand.

"I think that's a great idea Haru-Chan~! One group can watch a movie, while the other plays a game, and then we can meet up and eat cake together before switching activities~!" Mitsukuni chimed in.

Everyone seemed to agree, and these were the groups we seemed to end up in.

Playing the games first would be Me, Takashi, Mitsukuni, Rinako, Yutori, and Akeno.

Watching the movie would be The Twins, Haruhi, Tamaki, and Kyoya.

This isn't completely unexpected, My trio would obviously want to try and spend the most time with me, and Takashi and Mitsukuni want to spend time with me for their own reasons. Plus we're all in the same class and this was the original sleep over group. I think the other hosts split off from us on purpose, because they did kind of invite themselves, but I'm still happy to have them here.

"So what game should we play?" Rinako asked looking at the stack of board games and card games everyone had brought. We all looked over our options and landed on a game called CandyLand, which Mitsukuni had brought, of course.
Since it was such an easy game to play we actually ended up playing a couple of rounds.
"No fair~! I want to win a round!! Let's play again!!" Akeno was jokingly whining over her 3rd loss. I had won the first game, then Mitsukuni, then Rinako.
"You guys go ahead and start the next round, I'm going to go make us some hot chocolate." I smiled, heading towards the kitchen, not before glancing over at Takashi, Who grunted in agreement before following me to the small kitchen.

I started pulling some cups out of the cupboard, and putting them onto a tray on the counter. I pulled just enough for those of us playing games. Takashi came into the kitchen right behind me, and was watching me intently.

Once he could hear the other room getting rowdy again, he decided to speak.

"So why did you really move?" Was all he asked me. As much as I was expecting the question, it still startled me. I looked into his eyes for a moment. They were softer than usual, which gave me the courage to tell him.

I started making the hot chocolate as I spoke.
"Well, I really did move here because of taking over the businesses in this sector but... I also moved here for a fresh start... and so my parents didn't have to look at me anymore." I said with a small, sad smile. The words coming out of my mouth seemed to just intrigue him further, so I continued.

"Nikki." I paused, swallowing back the urge to cry.

"Nikki was my younger brother... a couple years ago he got diagnosed with leukemia.... Last year he passed away because of it."
I knew a few tears had escaped my eyes, and looking into his I knew I didn't have to say anymore. While I was talking, he had moved from the opposite side of the counter, to right next to me.

"Noriko." His deep voice saying my full name sent a shiver down my spine, and a blush to my cheeks. I slowly turned to look at him, and when our eyes met he pulled me into a hug. His hands wrapped around me tightly, pulling me in close. I knew what he was saying with this hug.

' I'm here for you no matter what. I'll always be here to keep you safe.'

At first I didn't know how to react, I haven't been hugged like this before. I haven't been hugged like I'm the most important thing in the world. I hugged him back tightly and began crying quietly into his chest, which only made him tighten his grip.

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