-The Quiet Eleven-

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Noriko's POV

When I woke up in the morning, I was once again wrapped in Takashi's arms. Looking over at the clock on my bedside table, it's was 6 am. Class didn't start until 8, and Takashi looked so exhausted last night, that I just quietly crawled out of his arms.

Going to my closet, I grabbed the hideous girls uniform and headed to the bathroom. After my bath and morning routine, it was a little after 6:30. Going back into my room, Takashi was still sound asleep in my bed, earning a small smile from me. Grabbing my phone, I realized Mitsukuni had texted me back.

"Okay Nori-Chan~ I'll be there soon~"

Going downstairs, I knew exactly what I'd make for breakfast. Seeing how much he enjoyed it last night I couldn't help myself. This time I prepared enough for 3, seeing as Mitsukuni would be here early enough to eat with us. Another adjustment I made was how much Natto I gave Takashi, which was significantly more than I put atop the other two bowls of rice. Just as I put the garnishes on, the doorbell rang.

I walked over to the door rather quickly, and opened it to find none other than Mitsukuni.

"Good morning Nori-Chan~!" He beamed.

"Good morning Mitsukuni~! Come on in!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Here's Takashi's uniform." Honey said with a smile that had a hint of deviousness to it.

"Thank you, just wait here a second." I said with a smile, quickly walking up the stairs to my room, entering quietly I placed the neatly folded uniform and placed it on the bedside table next to him. Looking at the clock it was 7:10, so I decided it best to wake him up. Looking back at him however, a dread came into me. I didn't want to wake him from such a peaceful sleep. I knew however, that responsibility had to win. So I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek, which woke him prettt quickly, although he was still groggy.

"Morning Takashi, your uniform is right here and you can shower if you'd like to. Mitsukuni and I will be waiting for you in the kitchen." I said with a sweet tone and a smile. He returned my smile with his own, and I left him be.

Returning to Mitsukuni I lead him to the kitchen where I had made breakfast. He happily jumped onto one of the stools and started eating.
"Would you like any coffee, Mitsukuni?" I asked as I walked to my freshly brewed pot. He shook his head, finishing his bite.
"No, I don't really like coffee. I'm sure Takashi would appreciate some though." He said with a smile. I smiled back and nodded, preparing two cups of coffee. I sat his cup in front of the spot meant for him. And sat down next to Mitsukuni. As I started eating, Mitsukuni started questioning me.

"Did you make this Nori-Chan?" I nodded as I continued to eat.
"It's really good, I bet Takashi will love it! He loves Natto! Though you already knew that, didn't you?" He asked looking towards the bowl with an obviously heftier serving of Natto. I nodded once again, a small smile rising on my cheeks. Our conversation continued on like this for awhile, him asking me a yes or no question and me nodding or shaking my head in response.

"I find it funny that people are scared to wake you when you seem like such a morning person." I said noting his energy levels for the time of day. He looked very amused.
"Well," he started, putting down his chopsticks to look at me. "I can be a very hard person to wake up, but if you do it the right way, like you did, or if you wait until I've been awake for awhile, the grumpiness goes away!" He said with that same cheerful expression on his face as usual, I giggled.

Just then Takashi came walking into the room, sitting down in the empty seat next to me. Looking at the meal in front of him his eyes widened, and he looked over to me. I just smiled even wider than I was before.

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