-The Quiet Twelve-

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Noriko's POV

Waking up, a smile crawled to my lips remembering the events of last night. I made dinner for the three of us, and afterwards we listened to music for about an hour before heading to bed. I had Kiri prepare the guest room for Mitsukuni, while Takashi stayed with me again. Waking up with his arms around me is something I could get used to. Looking over at the clock, it was 5 am. We were supposed to be on the plane in an hour, so after taking a minute to soak up all the comfort and warmth I was currently enjoying, I turned to Takashi, and woke him up with another kiss on the cheek. His eyes fluttered open and immediately landed on mine, and a smile creeped onto his lips.

"It's 5 am, we have to get ready." I said softly, and at first he just pulled me tighter into him, before releasing me with a small grunt. I went into the bathroom, getting around as quickly as possible. Today I decided to wear a white t shirt with dark green corduroy overalls, and a brown leather jacket, with black flats. Once I came out of the bathroom, Takashi took my place getting ready himself. I added a gold necklace, and gold hoop earrings at my vanity before walking to the guest room to wake Mitsukuni.

Once we had all gotten around we left for the airport, deciding to eat breakfast on the flight over. Pulling up to their private hangar, I noticed two other limos parked outside. Stepping out I realized that the one limo was the rest of the Kendo team, and the other.... Was the host club. Seeing them brought a smile to my face.

We all headed towards the plane. The four other members of the team sat towards the front of the plane, Takashi, Mitsukuni, and I took the back rows, Takashi sitting towards the aisle while I sat next to the window. Mitsukuni sat across from Mori on the other side of the aisle. The host club settled into seats in front of us. Everyone was a bit on the quiet side this early in the morning, and were either silent or having small conversations amongst themselves. I pulled out my phone and earbuds, Putting the right one in my ear and offering Takashi the left one, which he gladly took.

The flight attendant came around and gave us all tea and parfaits. A few songs in we landed on a love song. It told a story from first the woman's perspective, then the man's perspective, of not feeling like you're enough for your partner. Like no matter what you do you feel they deserve better than what they have. It started slow and became passionate and more upbeat in the middle section, slowing momentarily for the change in perspective, and then again at the end, making for a beautiful song. Both of us looked at eachother when it had finished and nodded. We had found the song.

I opened my phone and started the song over, closing my eyes and trying to picture a choreography for two. The ideas swirled and started coming together beautifully. I had a few moves I knew I wanted to do with certain lyrics and movements of the music. When the song had finished again I took the earbud out of my ear, Takashi following suit and looking at me.

"It's perfect." I said with a smile, causing Mitsukuni to turn to us. "Did you find a song~?" He said excitedly, attracting the attention of the host club towards us.

"Find a song for what?" Tamaki asked curiously, turning around in his seat to face us. The twins and Haruhi followed suit, while Kyoya just listened from where he sat.

"Nori-Chan and Takashi are going to enter a dance competition!" Mitsukuni beamed, causing the hosts jaws to drop.

"Mori-senpai is entering a dance comepetition?" The twins asked, holding back snickers. Haruhi shot them a look and they immediately stopped what they were doing.

"I didn't know you danced, Noriko-senpai." Haruhi said looking at me curiously with a smile.

"Yeah, I've been dancing since I was 4. Takashi and Mitsukuni suggested I entered a competition, but the only one left this year is a duet competition, so I'm going to teach Takashi to dance." I said with a smile. This caused the lightest blush to rise in Takashi's cheeks.

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