-The Quiet Eight-

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Noriko's POV

I woke up in the morning, Takashi's arm around my waist. As I stirred I realized I was the first to wake up. The sun hadn't fully risen yet, but I felt as the host, I should probably be the first one up.

I carefully snuck out of Takashi's arms and the pillow fort. Heading upstairs to my room, I did my usual morning routine. When I came back out of the bathroom to my closet I was once again stumped as to what outfit I should wear. After setting off a bomb in my closet I pick an outfit.

I put on my black, knee length skirt, which flowed down gently from my waist. Then I put on a golden silk, form fitting tank top. I put back on the same jewelry as yesterday, then slipped on my black flats.

She came into my room promptly.
"Would you bring a cup of coffee to my study, and ask Juno to prepare breakfast for everyone. I'm not sure when they'll wake up but I want us to be prepared."
"Of course, Noriko-San."

As she left the room, I followed suit, heading to my study. Looking at the clock, it's 6:57. My new assistant should be calling soon, so I will just look over everything real quick before she does. Soon Kiri brought me a cup of coffee, leaving the tray with the means to make more.

"Kiri, please let my guests know upon waking up that they are free to stay as long as they like, and I will join them for breakfast, but otherwise will be busy today."

She nodded and left the room, leaving me with my mountains of work.

3rd POV

The 10 friends in the living room slowly started to stir. The trio of girls woke first, and Kiri showed them where they could get ready for their day. Not far behind them was Haruhi, who joined them in getting up and around, leaving all the boys behind in the fort. Takashi was the next one awake, who got himself around pretty quickly before joining Noriko in her study.

At around 7:30 the next round of boys woke up, the first being Tamaki, followed by the twins. The last ones to lay sleeping, were of course, Kyoya and Mitsukuni. They laid there sleeping until about 8:30.

By this point everyone who was awake had gathered in the dining room, digging into the array of options in front of them, and enjoying the meal together.

"So Noriko, what seems to have you so busy today?" Akeno asked, looking at her very closely.

"I found out last night that I'm now overseeing all of our businesses in southern japan, not just this sector. So now that I have over 150 new buildings on my plate, I'm going to have a lot less free time." She stated almost nonchalantly, like it wasn't that big of a deal. The table was quite shocked at what she said.

"O-one hundred and fifty m-more stores?" Haruhi barely squeaked out, utterly shocked by the thought of that work load.
"Well 157 more stores to be exact." The girl stated blatantly.
"I don't know how you said that so nonchalantly Senpai." Haruhi said as she dead panned.

"Well... while the added work load is a bit annoying, I've been training for this my whole life. Ouran is actually the first school I've ever attended, previously only learning from hired professors at home. I've been sitting in on board meetings since I was 8." The girl stated rather simply. This last explanation seemed to please everyone at the table.

Noriko's POV

Sitting around the table were almost all of my friends. Enjoying another meal with them brought another smile to my face.

"Should we wake up Kyoya and Mitsukuni?" I asked, looking to the two empty seats between us.

"I wouldn't dare try waking them! They're so scary in the morning!" The twins said in sync, looking slightly horrified.
Tamaki chimed in agreeing with them, saying attempting to wake them is a suicide mission. I simply laughed at there notions.

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