-The Quiet Four-

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Noriko's POV

"Nori-Chan~!" The small boy called as he jumped into my arms. I smiled at him. "Hi Nikki." I said sweetly, brushing my hand through his hair while holding him on my hip.
The boy, whose about 6 at this time, smiled brightly at me. His short raven black hair was messy, and his golden eyes wild. "Nori-chan~! Can we go cut the cake now!? It is my birthday after all!" He beamed up at me.
"Let's open your gifts first Nikki, then we can cut the cake." I smiled down to him.
"Okay~!" He said, jumping down from my arms. He ran to the other room quickly. "Come on Nori-chan~!"

"W-Wait up Nikki!" I called out quickly trying to follow the boy. Turning the corner I found him on the floor, ghostly pale and out cold.
"Nikki!? Nikki!" I ran to his side, pulling his head into my lap and running my fingers through his hair.
"Come one Nikki. Wake up Nikki." I checked him for injuries, to which there were none.

"Mom! Dad! Kiri!! Someone!" I called, to which no one replied. His breath was shallow, I looked around for anyone to answer my cries. When I looked back down he had changed. His head was bare, and he had become skin and bones. He was now wearing a hospital gown and had an IV in his arm, along with other monitors hooked up to him. "Nikki..?"
I could barely get the word to come out of my throat. I was choking back tears.
"I love you, Nori-Chan." Nikki said looking me in my eyes, and I watched as his bright golden eyes turned dark, and he exhaled for the final time.

Jumping awake in my bed I gasped for air. I was covered in sweat and completely shaken.
Realizing what I had just relived in a horrible fashion I began sobbing immediately. This gained the attention of Kiri, who burst through the door without knocking, to come to my side and comfort me.

"Shhhhh it's okay Noriko-San, it was just a dream. Shhhh everything is okay." Kiri said as she held me, crying into her shoulder. She rubbed my back and it started to help. She went and started a warm bath for me, in the hopes it would comfort me and help my day have a better start.

After I got out of the bath, which helped relieve my stress immensely, I got dressed for the day and walked downstairs. In the smaller kitchen that was meant for the family members to use, Kiri had set out a decadent breakfast. I sat and ate the delicious meal. Only wishing I had someone to share it with. Once I was finished I headed for the door.

Classes went by fairly quickly, it wasn't until lunch that I realized it was Friday,and that the sleepover was going to be tomorrow!

I sent out a a group text, including everyone from the host club and my three friends, of course.

"Hello everyone! The sleepover will be taking place tomorrow, please arrive by 5pm for dinner. Here's my address. Don't forget to bring any games, movies, or snacks you may want! Otherwise I have everything covered :)" I sent the message to the 10 people who had been invited to my house.

By the end of the afternoon my phone was full of kind replies. Many of which consisted of thanking me for the reminder and saying how excited they were. Reading the replies only made me more excited for tomorrow.
When I got through reading all the replies in the group chat, I had noticed I had a private message as well.

It was from Mori.

"Looking forward to tomorrow. Thanks for the invitation."

The simple text made me smile. It felt much more meaningful of a thanks being in a private message. I responded,

"I'm looking forward to tomorrow too, Mori :)."

Surprisingly, it only took a few seconds for him to respond.

"You can call me Takashi."

I was stunned. Absolutely astonished. If the trio blushed when I told them they could use my first name, I couldn't imagine the blush I was wearing right now. The only person I've heard call him Takashi is Honey. This really is a great honor. That thought only made my cheeks hotter. I shook my head a little to calm down. It took a few tries to get a response I was happy with but I replied,

The Quiet One (OHSHC) (MorixOC)Where stories live. Discover now