Chapter 2

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"Damnit!" Emmeranne hissed under her breath, As she fiddled with the back wheel of her bike, Trying to get it back on. "Just slide back on!"

She accidentally ran over a nail yesterday while coming home from work, and it put a tiny hole in her back tire.

"Just Go-Thank you!" Emmeranne signed in relief by the Axel finally going through the rim of the tire, "It only took nearly Ten minutes."

The day has not been going smoothly for Emmeranne, First she woke up late this morning a little past Nine is instead of her usual six o'clock, Then when she went to eat a bowl of her favorite cereal Fruity pebbles, After taking the first bite she realized the milk was spoiled, So her Breakfast was ruined.

And when she went out to the garage to get on her bike to go out and buy more milk, She realized she had a flat, So she has spent the rest of the morning fixing it.

"Finally," She breathed, Hitting the side of the tire with the Socket wrench and wiping off her forehead with her other hand. Then she stood slowly, and her knees popped as she did. "That was more trouble than it should have been."

"Emmeranne," Her grandmother voiced from inside, and she turned to see the woman standing in the doorway of the garage with a small Brown apron with flowers embroidered on it around her waist, and a glass A freshly made lemon juice in her hand. "Did you finally get it fixed?"

"Yep," Emmeranne smiled, And set the wrench down on top of her bike seat and made her way to the woman, Taking the glass from her. "Thank you,"

Her grandmother smiled softly, Then moved some hair out Emmeranne's face and greezed her finger tips along her cheek. "Why don't you come and eat, I made little finger sandwiches and Rita brought over her famous banana pudding."

The second the words banana pudding left her grandmother's mouth her eyes lit up and the older woman chuckled softly, and before anymore words could leave her mouth Emmeranne was making her way into the home and into the family room where Rita Jackson, Martha maples, Dorothy Townsend and Susannah Thorne are.

Her grandmother invited her for closest confidants to have lunch, And they've been chatting up a storm for the past hour or so.

Martha Dorothy and Susannah are all Rita's age, And in her Coven. Yes, In her Coven and Susannah is the leader of their Coven, And has been since it formed decades ago.

When exactly Emmeranne is not sure.

Susannah, Has black hair that she always keeps in a tight bun, Snow white skin, Dark green eyes, and stands at a good five five.

Dorothy, Has light blonde hair that she always keeps curled and goes past her shoulders, Milky white skin, Sky blue eyes, And is about five three. And is Dana McLaughlin mother, Making her Lindsey McLaughlins grandmother.

And Martha, Has Short dark brown hair that barely touches the tips of her shoulders Deep blue eyes, Olive skin and is five three.

"Emmeranne!" Rita smiled brightly from her spot in one of the old chairs from the Eighties, Right in front is the old wood burning fireplace that is not in use at the moment.

"Mrs. Jackson." Emmeranne smiled back and glanced over all of the women As she made her way further into the room.

All for women much like her grandmother are dressed in Thin summer dresses, and are all sitting across from one another. There is a tray of different Finger sandwiches on the coffee table in the middle of them, With a tea pot and cups.

"How are all of you ladies this fine afternoon?" The Amber eyed girl asked, As she took a seat on the end of the old light brown couch.

"We're fine baby, How are you?" Rita asked, Then quickly added before Emmeranne could answer, "Because you look like your about to sweat to death."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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