Chapter 1

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As children, Parents tell us stories Of Monsters, And creatures that Rome the night, And some the day.

As children, We are taught to fear those Monsters. But as we grow, We come to learn that sometimes, The true Monsters, Are ourselves. And people. And Sometimes, Even those we love most;

As children we grow to fear the night, And what's under our bed and in our closets. Because of the stories.

As children we are taught fear from a young age, And some grow out of it, And others don't.

Growing up, Emmeranne's father, Alexander Quintus, A man Of many things, Taught her to fear those Monsters. And how to beat them.

Though he did not have to do much work, Given what their family, What their blood, What their are.

What, She is.

While other children were taught to just fear the Monsters, Emmeranne was raised To beat them.

Because her family, The Quintus's, Are not like other families. They are born different; And There's not many of Their kind in the world, Left. Only a handful full.

Growing up she was taught that they are not Monsters, That they are The thing born to kill them,

But that's further future.

If anything, Emmeranne's kind, Especially her family, Are the true Monsters.

Herself included.

"Emmeranne!" Her grandmother, Yelled From down stairs, Getting her attention As she finished putting on her boots, Getting ready for the day.

"Ma'am?" She yelled back, Standing to her feet, And grabbing her phone off of her bedside table And shoving it into the right back pocket of her baggy blue jeans.

"Are you getting ready for work?" The older woman asked,

"Yes, But I'm not leaving for a few more minutes." Emmeranne answered, Making her way out of her room and downstairs.

Her grandmother's home is nothing special, it's a small Two-story 18th century style home, With five Bedrooms and two baths.
A small green kitchen to the left as soon as you walk through The front door of the rap-around porch, And a medium-sized family area To the right, That looks like it is stuck in the 18th century and a small two car garage On the right side of the house, With a small door in the kitchen leading to it.

The home has been in her grandmother's Family for generations, And she Inherited it upon her father's death, And moved into it Twenty two years ago after She divorced Emmeranne's grandfather, On her father's side.

"Good, Could you do me a favor?" Her grandmother asked her sweetly, Meeting her at the bottom of the steps By the front door.

Her grandmother, Even for her age at Seventy Six, Looks like she's Fifty Six. And though she has a few wrinkles, And her hair is almost fully Gray, You can still tell at one point it was a dark brown, And her skin is a lot Whiter Then it was when she was younger, She's still a very beautiful woman even for her age.

"Of course," Emmeranne smiled, Why her grandmother would think she would never not do her favor is beyond her. "What do you need?"

"When Rita came over last night She forgot her wallet, With her ID and cards in it." Her grandmother told her, And held up A small pale blue wallet. "Would you stop by the Backwoods and give it to her, Please."

The Backwoods bar, The most popular spot in town for all the locals, It's located in a small wooden area next to a small body of water, And you get to it by going down a small gravelled path.

A dance of Steaks and Fangs: Book One, The children of the light.Where stories live. Discover now