Chapter 2

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"These items are... really OP..." I thought to myself. Seriously. So OP. I closed the System Store. "What else ya got, System?" I asked. 

<<Computing additional data... (Wait time: 24hrs)>> It replied. "FUCKING AGAIN?!" I shouted. It was exasperating to put up with this damn system. Ygiss, was it?

I turned around, Intending to explore a bit more, when I froze. As soon as I turned, there were two legs blocking my view of the sunset. I became scared.

The person in front of me was wearing white tights, covering their legs up to their thighs. They also weren't too tall. They were wearing a black skirt to compliment the thigh-highs. I realized a moment later that they were wearing a skort—a skirt fused with shorts.

I backed away, startled by their sudden appearance. I kept my gaze, limited as it was, glued to their figure as they bent down. I bumped into the Statue of the Seven as I backed away.

The person, who was now staring at me with an amused smile on their face, was beautiful, but unfamiliar. I had never seen them throughout the entire game, and no one online had ever posted a picture of someone with their apparel with Genshin's name attached.

The person wore the aforementioned skort and thigh-highs along with a blue button-up shirt and a tie, with a teal blazer overtop. They wore this top-half very... messily. Like a small child's first attempt to dress themselves. The outfit, although cute, was evidently wrinkly, although clean.

Then there was the person's face. As previously mentioned, they were beautiful, but had a messy appearance. Their hair was unkept and seemed tangled and frizzy yet fell on their shoulders in just the right way. Their bangs were a bit too long for their face but didn't restrict their vision—something I assume was intentional on their part.

They wore very light makeup, messily applied and seemed to only have one purpose—to hide something. That didn't distract from their overall appearance, though. Their eyes were perhaps the most striking part of all. A bright pinkish red, that shone with happiness and promise.

The look in their eyes gave away what kind of person they were to me. The type who was bubbly and eccentric. They had only one thing about themselves to hide. An open book to anyone who asked. Most importantly, though, they seemed to be so, very brave and strong.

They also seemed to be a bit mischievous.

(Credits to me :>)

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(Credits to me :>)

"Hmm?" they hummed in amusement, "Usually hydro slimes attack people on sight." I looked into their eyes and saw my own reflection. I was damn cute as a slime.

"What's different about you, little friend?" they asked. The person held their hand out to me. I just stared at it. Cautious. "My name is Sarai. It's a pleasure to meet you, little slime friend!" Sarai greeted me happily.

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