Chapter 4

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The next day, the companions (really just Sarai) woke up to have the complimentary breakfast. And, for the first time in a while, (Y/n) hadn't snuck out to train. Mostly because of a certain Adeptus who guarded the Inn and would most certainly kill her on sight.

So, she decided to hide out in the room for the night. Maybe under the bed and go through the system while at it.

So when Sarai woke up not seeing her slime companion anywhere, she grew a bit panicked, though the slime revealed themself right away to assuage the girl's worries.

Sarai smiled, relieved, "You scared me, you mischievous little slime!" She lightly slapped the little slime on their supposed head. The slime jiggled in response.

(Y/n) looked at her health bar after taking the light slap to see if that had an effect of her health. It didn't, thankfully. Mayim then slid into Sarai's bag, and the girl headed down for breakfast.

The chef served her some Almond Tofu. "We had some left over. Figured it'd make a good breakfast," he reasoned. Sarai wasn't complaining, though (Y/n) had a feeling that Adeptus probably was.

After finishing breakfast and thanking the staff profusely, which they were both thankful and confused about, Sarai headed off towards Liyue Harbor.

There, she set up her beggar's station and got to work.

As she did when she was younger, she hummed the melody from her parents, the one that only a few people have recognized because they knew them.

From what she'd heard though, those people were long dead.

Though, there was still one person who recognized her humming, watching as she gathered more and more tips for her tune.

The slime in her bag.

She recognized it as a song from her world—one that was relatively popular and used as a lullaby for young children. Though the words weren't there, the melody was prominent enough that she knew it by heart. She even knew the words by heart, though she'd never admit it aloud unless she could use it for money.

Like what Sarai was doing.

This is the melody the system was telling her about?

Sarai sang throughout the entire day, and ended up making a massive profit out of it. "Look at how much we made, Mayim!" she whispered into the bag, and she gently placed the Mora next to the slime. It was three solid bags full of Mora, which impressed the slime. It was a substantial amount of money.

Hopefully it'd be enough to get the two of them to Inazuma (illegally) at some point, Sarai hoped. Still, they'd stay for another 3 months or so before deciding anything. She had plenty of time to save up until then.

𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙸 𝚆𝚘𝚔𝚎 𝚄𝚙 𝙸𝚗 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗 - (GI Various)Where stories live. Discover now