Chapter 8

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"Hey! Stop right there" guards from the Shogun's army shouted as they chased after a pair of blondes, one laughing hysterically and the other panicking.

"Tomo! Why would you do that?!" the lighter blonde scolding his friend. "What? I was having fun, Kazuha!" the dirty blonde responded with a chortle.

"Your definition of 'fun' is using your vision to prank members of the Shogunate Army by, and I quote, 'Giving them a little shock'?!" Kazuha asked as the rounded the corner and came to a dead end.

Tomo, knowing what to do, hugged his friend for dear life, "I guess so! Haha!" He laughed as Kazuha used his Anemo vision to boost them onto the rooftop, leaving the guards to round the corner at the last second, only to find no one in the alleyway.

Kazuha and Tomo held their breaths, crawling to the center of the rooftop, as they waited for the guards to look around for them and give up.

After a little while, the guards left and they could finally breathe. Kazuha gave his friend a slap to the back of his head, "Do you want to get our visions taken away?! Or worse, killed?!"

Tomo rubbed the back of his head with a whine, "Kazuha~! So mean~!" Kazuha sighed, "We've got to find a way out of Inazuma soon. Otherwise, we really will get caught. You've seen what happens to vision wielders who get their visions taken away!"

"I know," Tomo agreed, "I wanted to lighten up the mood, Kazu. Sorry I almost got us caught like that."

"Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate your service," a young woman in a black hat with see-through fabric sewed to the ends, allowing it to flow gently in the wind, bowed to a food stall worker.

"Of course, darling! You've been such a good customer these past few months, it's hard not to give you good service!" the stall worker said in turn, showering the young woman in compliments as she gathered her bags of food.

She smiled, "I have to thank you for the discount, too. I haven't exactly done anything to warrant it."

The stall worker scoffed, "Hasn't done anything, she says. You gave my mother in law medical treatment free of charge! It's the least I could do!"

"I could only give her that treatment because you grew those herbs in your garden, Mrs. Tomioka," the woman answered with a charming smile, "Anyways, I better get going. It's getting quite late..."

Bidding a final goodbye to the stall owner, the woman headed away from Inazuma city, noticing a pair of blondes sitting on a rooftop not too far away. She rose a brow before taking a closer look.

"That one is Kazuha..." she mumbled to herself, "is the other one his friend? He's not dead yet?"

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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