Dark humor. (part 3)

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This story contains parts of violence, gore, blood and abuse. VIEWERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED
Julie's mother would usually be home to help her with her chemistry homework by six pm. It was 8:30 pm at night, and her parents weren't home.

"Fuck!" She cussed and yelled. "Pick up!"

She inhaled and exhaled multiple times. Not only was she bothered about her parents not being home early, she was also unhappy that she had to be alone after what happened today. Maybe staying with Toby isn't such a bad idea.

Feeling quite skeptical, she hurriedly grabbed her stuff so she could leave for Toby's. His parents pretty much liked her.

However, her plan became obstructed as she bumped into a random stranger right in front of her porch.

"Jesus," she whispered as her heart thumped.

"I'm here for a Miss Stephens," he spoke in a state of panic.

"That is me," she replied in slight confusion.

"Your parents..." He took a pause. "...Got into a fire accident."


"You're needed at the hospital."

"N-no." A lone tear slipped past her lips as she could barely contain the information she just got.

She shook her head, laughing intensely even though she knew all too well that her situation was nowhere near humorous. "You must surely be mistaken. It cannot be my parents. You have the wrong person."

"Essie and Alexander Stephens," he clarified. "I am from Brookstown hospital. A doctor there is quite familiar with your parents, and so she's sent me here to get you."

"Wait." She took a quick dash across the streets, scurrying over to Toby's.

The door opened as fast as she knocked. "Julie, child," Toby's mother welcomed her. "Is all well?"

"Not at all, Julia," she addressed her by her name just like Julia wanted her to.

"Oh dear," she was about to embrace her to show comfort when Julie stopped her. "I need Toby, right now," she spoke in a hushed tone, trying to prevent more tears from pouring down. "P-please."

"Toby!" Julia yelled. "Get dressed, Julie's here for you."

"I'll be down in a minute!" He yelled back.

Julie stared at the man from the hospital across the street. "He said my parents got into an accident. I don't trust him enough to be with him alone, and so I want Toby to come with me."

Julia was bewildered hearing what she had just informed her. "Then I will come with you both. In fact, he shall lead the way while we drive in my car." Julia hurried in to get the car keys.

"Is everything okay?" Toby placed his hands on her cheek.

She shook her head as a response as she shed tears. Toby embraced her tightly, gently patting her back.

"Let's go," Toby's mother disrupted their moment.

"You," Julia pointed to the man from the hospital. "Lead the way."

"I prefer you drive with me."

"Drive, we'll follow," Julia sternly told him, and he obliged without further complaint.

She started the engines while Toby and Julie stayed at the back. With Julie's head rested on Toby's shoulders and him rubbing the side of her head, running his hands through her curls like he always wanted to. They could only hope that the man was lying.

Nothing really ever goes as planned in reality. You lose people you love so dearly as though they were never in your life. That is the story of Julie Stephens for the day.

The man was indeed from Brookstown hospital, and her parents had actually been burnt beyond recognition. At least, they died in love with their hands so firmly put together.

"I'll go speak with the doctor," Julia patted hysterically sobbing Julie's back as she left them alone.

"But... B-ut h-how?" Julie said amidst hiccups. "T-hey said. They said they'd be back."

Toby held her firmly against his chest, not knowing the right words he could use to comfort her.

"I need to use the restroom," Julie said after a while. Her eyes had become swollen from sorrow, and her face red in bitterness.

She stared at the mirror like she couldn't believe what had just happened. "This is a nightmare, and I'll wake up now."

"On the count of three."

She slapped herself. "One."

She hit twice as harder on the other cheek. "Two."

"Three." She slapped her cheek with more force.

"Mommmm!" She broke into sobs yet again. "Mommmmmmm."

In a swift moment, a figure passed by her. It was so strange that every emotion of sadness got replaced with fear.

"Hello?" She called out almost inaudibly.

"Hello?" She called again, taking her eyes away from the mirror and onto her surroundings.

"Humor me," she heard a rather familiar voice from this afternoon.

In great horror, she spun around to find the same headless figure from during the day right behind her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Her scream called the attention of too many people who ran into the bathroom.

"Help! Help me," she cried on the floor as she was injected with a sedative to calm her.


Toby texted all of his friends.

[Craziest shit just happened, guys. Julie lost her parents and is now unconscious at Brookstown hospital]

Kim: Fuck! I'm heading there now.

Jake: How? When?

Kylie: I don't know how this should sound, but I haven't gotten through to Luke since we left school.

Lucy: Text the address, Toby.

Toby: No, now's not the time, like I said she's unconscious. Let's wait till tomorrow morning. 9 pm sharp! No one's going to school. Also, someone get Luke on this. I'll send the address now.

Kim: Guys, I don't know why, but I'm fucking scared.

Jake: Me too.

Lucy: I think all of us are.

Kylie: The guy from this afternoon...

Lucy: Don't speak about him, please. I'm about to lose my fucking mind over that nonsense.

Toby: We'll be okay, guys. Don't worry. Everyone get some rest; tomorrow's gonna be a long day.

"Are you ready to go home?" Julia asked her son.

"I want to stay with her," he said with pain in his eyes. "Mom, she needs me."

"The doctors have it covered. I also called her aunt Christina, and she should be here soon."

"C'mon," she pecked his forehead. "I promise you, Julie will be okay." She ruffled his thick dark hair.


Longer than I expected for real. I'm ending everyone's story like I am in their own parts because... Let's say it's better that way cause this is supposed to be short story.(laughs)

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