The mirrors reflection

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This story contains parts of violence, gore, blood and abuse. VIEWERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

I love this house," Michelle twirled around the living room.

"You do know this place is haunted, don't you?" Jane yelled at her best friend.

"That's exactly why I rented it," Michelle beamed with excitement. "In three nights, we shall uncover the truth of the spirit girl who lives here. Hopefully, she'll be willing to have a little chat with us."

"Remind me why I came here with you in the first place?" Jane grunted.

"Because you're broke and have no place to stay," Michelle chirped. "Which is good anyway because you can always trust your girl to provide you with shelter."

"I should probably call my little brother so I can hand over the 50 bucks in my account to him just in case I don't make it alive," Jane sighed.

"We will," she raised her voice. "Isn't that right, boys?"

"Definitely," two white men named Bryan and Jay came from the dining area.

"We've scanned the premises," Bryan spoke. "I think it's best we sleep in twos."

"I'll share a room with Michelle," Jay was quick to speak.

"Like hell I'd let you," Michelle rolled her eyes. "I'll be sharing a room with my girl here. You guys can sort yourselves out."

"So, how do these gadgets work anyway?" Jane asked, slightly interested.

"First off, we have the Alice box," Jay explained. "It allows spirits to communicate with us."

"Boring," Jane snorted.

"Never mind."


"What you would be interested in is the story of the girl in the mirror?" Michelle said from behind her.

"K," Jane grabbed a pack of chips from her backpack. "Wow me."

"Back in the 90s," she began. "No, 1943 to be specific. There was a girl named Belle, daughter to the Donville family. The only child, in fact."

"Hmmm," Jane hummed, munching on some chips.

"So, Belle was obsessed with her reflection that it became a necessity for her to go around with a mirror everywhere she went. As she grew older, she fell more in love with her face and even craved more for the crown prince, Hughes. She was most certain that she would become his bride until a countess's daughter, Isabella, made her debut into society."

"Ouu. Typical love triangle. I like where this is heading," Bryan laughed.

"Sure," Michelle shook her head, making it clear that she did not believe Bryan. "Isabella became the talk of the town. Her beauty, clear fair skin, silky blonde hair, radiant hazel eyes, and her angelic demeanor could not compare to others. Unlike Belle, her gracefulness became what people loved, even more than her most gorgeous face."

"At least they're both beautiful," Jane sighed.

"Isabella's suitors were the highest that season. Everyone wanted to take her as a bride. She became so positively popular that the queen, Charlotte, wanted her for her son. Prince Hughes didn't seem to object to the matter, and Isabella was also quite interested. After all, who doesn't want to be a princess," Michelle paused her storytelling tone.

"I definitely do not want to be," Jane sighed.

"Belle was in tatters as she thought she had curried the favor of the queen after she made her entry into society as well, but it turns out she was wrong. Belle couldn't stand it. She wanted the throne first and so believed if she couldn't have it, no one could. Killing Isabella would be hard, so she settled for going to a witch who practiced black magic."

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