Character Introductions

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Try to think western. Some of the character's wear dresses. I struggled to describe them. If it helps any, you all know what these character's color themes and style they wear in the series, just use what you know and imagine it as I describe it.

Anakin Skywalker: Brown messy, unruly hair. Has an artificial arm. Brown shirt with a dark brown vest, along with dark brown pants and boots to go with it. And of course, can't forget the hat! Anakin is the Sheriff of a bustling town of Courasant. For defense he uses a gun.

Obi Wan Kenobi: Loves to stroke his beard, and every encounter he has with anyone, he politely says, howdy there. Obi Wan dawns tan pants with a cream white shirt and vest. The vest is slightly darker. He also wears a hat almost the same color. (I know, much into matching this guy is into). Despite that, he does also wear a dark red handkerchief around his neck. He is the Sheriff of Mandalore. For defense he uses a gun. Much to his dismay. He prefers hand to hand combat. He says guns are " so uncivilized."

Commander Cody: Second in command of Sheriff Kenobi. Cody wears a yellow shirt (which has faded), and a brown vest. He also sports a hat and dirty white handkerchief around his neck, for defense, Cody does a bit of both, hand to hand combat and gun.

Ahsoka Tano: (Ahsoka is the same as you see her in the clone wars. Click the link to view her picture I did change it to my style though). Ahsoka works alongside Anakin Skywalker. She wears a blue shirt with some brown pants. She also dawns a hat and a red handkerchief around her neck. There are holes for her little lekku tips. For defense, Ahsoka prefers hand to hand combat.

Captain Rex: Along with Ahsoka, Rex works with Anakin. Rex wears a very dirty white shirt that has seen better days along with a blue vest. He wears a black hat and also has a very very light orange handkerchief around his neck. For defense, a gun.

Padme Amidala: Padme is the mayor of Courasant. She wears a simple purple blouse with a blue skirt that reaches the floor. She wears a brown leather belt around her waist.

Satine Kryze: Satine is the mayor of Mandalore. Satine wears a flowy turquoise shirt with a purple skirt. She also wears a leather belt around her waist.

General Grevious: Grevious is portrayed as a human in this one. He is a tall lanky man with a grey beard. He wears white pants, shirt, and vest. He also wears a grey hat and grey handkerchief. Don't ask me how the man keeps so clean in all that white.. I honestly don't know. He is an expert in hand-to-hand combat, but the poor man can't handle much of the dust. He gets serious asthma attacks. For defense, a gun.

Paige Unduly: A long brown side braid, a beige top and dark brown pants. She wears a turquoise handkerchief around her neck. She wears a dark brown hat. She is the Sheriff of Dantooine. For defense Paige likes to handle blades and uses hand to hand combat.

Trekker: Trekker wears a turquoise shirt with dark brown pants and hat. He also wears a brown vest and around his neck he wears a white handkerchief. For defense he likes to use guns and hand to hand combat.

Reighna Undreza: Jet black hair with silver streaks through it. She wears a navy-blue shirt with dark brown pants and hat. Reighna is the Sheriff of Tribitha. (That's made up lol). She likes to use daggers and hand to hand combat.

Steel: Wears an orange shirt with brown pants. Around his neck is a navy-blue handkerchief. In addition, he wears a brown hat that is the same color as his pants. His prefers to guns as his choice of defense.

Governor Palpatine: What is there to say? Old, wrinkly and cunning. Palps dawns a dark red shirt and pants. He wears a white shirt with a dark red jacket over top. He likes to use guns for his defense.

Characters mentioned:

Kanan Jarrus. His age is the around the Rebel's era.

Plo Koon

Ki Audi Mundi

Kit Fisto

Mace Windu





Savage Opress

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