britney's homework - Britney x Reader

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Context: Y/N has a crush on Britney and does her homework for her, thinking that if they do, it'll make her want to go out with them(this takes place in high school)

Name:   𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓷𝓮𝔂 𝓓𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓼 

I carefully write down on the right topside of the paper as I have already finished doing all the equations on the paper, making it look like she did the assignment. It had been almost a month since I've started doing my crush, Britney's homework, and I haven't been caught once.

"Y/N! It's time to go now." My mother called up to me.

"Coming!" I answered back, putting the paper into my school bag and hoisting it over my shoulders.


I waited under the stairs right before the class started tapping my foot and looking at my watch. Where is she? I thought. Class was starting in 5 minutes.

"Hey!" I heard her beautiful voice call out behind me. I turned around and immediately felt butterflies in my stomach.

"...Hi, Britney." I blushed.

She looked at me as if waiting for something, and then I remembered. "Oh!" I reached into my school bag and pulled out a folder and notebooks with notes written in it, " I got your homework here." I crooked smiled.

She giggled. "Thank you so much for the geography. I can't afford to fail that class."

"No problem."

That's when the bell rang, and we both went our separate ways.


I sighed as I sat in my seat. Britney was the most beautiful monster I've ever come across, and doing her work was for sure going to get me a date with her.

"Y/N, pay attention!" My teacher said. I guess I was too caught up in daydreaming that I didn't realize class had already started.


"Hey, W/N!" I heard Britney shout the wrong name as she was running over to me before I could take a bite out of my food.

"Oh hey, Britney." I replied, not bothering to correct her.

"Thanks again for doing my notes for me, I got an A+ on my test." She squealed.

"Wow, that's great."

A sudden silence came up, and I saw her fiddling with her fingers and looking everywhere, but at me. "There's something else I need to tell you as well." A chill went up my spine, and my stomach filled with butterflies. Was this it? Was she finally going to confess her feelings for me?

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well..." she then pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to me, "There's this essay I have for my English class on this book, we read, but I haven't been paying attention to it because the class is like so boring and stuff, so can you I don't know, maybe write it for me?"

I felt my heart drop, and the butterflies were no longer fluttering. First, it was doing her geography and trigonometry homework, and now she wants me to write an essay for her? When will it hit her that I like her, and this is why I'm doing this even with the risk of getting caught. Is this all I am to her, a homework doing robot?

"I...I can't. I'm sorry." I give the paper back to her, grabbed my tray of food, and walked away, leaving her dumbfounded.


After noon, when I got home, I ignored my mom, who asked how my day went after I walked in the door. I rushed up to my room, locking the door behind me. I slammed onto my bed and cried into my pillow.

How could I have been so foolish that I would just blindly do some girl's homework that I couldn't see that all that meant to her was passing her classes. Now, I'm just some monster who got hurt doing Britney's homework.

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