we had it almost - Johnny x OC

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Context: The story of how Miles and Johnny had a one night stand back when they both were freshmen. Also, keep in mind that this is a younger Johnny and Miles, so if they act differently, that is why.

Miles POV.

Woah! What happened last night? It was my first thought as I woke up after a long night of partying with this guy from my class that I thought was attractive. I guess he noticed me from afar since he did approach me, and we started to get to know one another as the party went on. The last thing I remember was being in a closet with him, and then one thing led to another and... Oh shit!

I turned my head to see him sleeping soundly under the covers of the bed. I quickly got up and got dressed carefully, not wanting to wake him. Before walking out the door, I looked back once more to see him still sleeping, never thinking that I'd be the one to walk out on someone after sleeping with them.


The autumn leaves crunched under my feet as I walked back to my dorm. The sound was soothing to my ears as I began to reminisce about last night.


I didn't even want to go to that party in the first place, but someone my friends, Jade and Leen, convinced me to go, and they promised that they'd stick with me, but I ended up alone anyways. It wasn't their fault, of course, cause I did get distracted by the food table having my favorite snacks, and I lost them in the crowd.

I was leaning against a wall with a solo cup in hand until he leaned up against it next to me and introduced himself. He claimed his name was...

"Johnny. Johnny Worthington." He introduced.

I answered back, "...I'm Miles." I felt my face flush.

He continued, "So, Miles. Could I maybe offer you a drink?"

My eyes widened, and my heart jumped, I couldn't believe that my classroom crush was basically initiating a conversation with me. The only interaction we've ever had was me asking for an extra pencil from him because I didn't have one, and I thought that was the only time we'd interact. Guess I was wrong cause here we are now.

"Umm.. I'd say "yes," but I already have one." I said, pointing to the solo cup I had filled with soda.

He looked slightly embarrassed but tried to hide it. "Oh." He looked off somewhere else, probably to some of his ROR buddies who were helping him with this. "Then how about a dance?" He asked.

"Hmm," I thought for a moment, "alright." I said, setting my cup aside, taking him by the hand, dragging him onto the dance floor.


I chuckled, kicking a rock on the sidewalk. The dorm building came into view, I picked up the pace, walked up the stairs, and pulled the door to the dorms open.

As I came to my dorm room, I pulled out my key, put it in the keyhole, and turned it. Before I could go in, I heard the sound of my friend Jade's voice.

"Hey!" She waved, speed walking up to me, "Where did you disappear off to, we tried looking, but we couldn't find you. We were so worried."

"Oh, hi Jade." I slightly smiled, "I got a bit distracted by the snack table, couldn't help myself, and what do y'know I was lost." I laughed.

Jade lifted an eyebrow, and her face became even more worried. "Say, is there something wrong? You seem a bit more down in the dumps than usual."

"No, there isn't. I'm just a little hungover."

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