[Prologue: Genesis II]

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(???? POV)

The flow of vast knowledge and power had ended not long as moments later, I now look at the world much more differently than I had before, my senses expanding to various levels even better than before, I felt an immense process undergoing within myself.

My thoughts move at speeds much more greater than I had initially had before, time move to a crawling halt as I realize how fast my mind was thinking and comprehending everything around me.

I stared in awe and fascination as even a single piece of rock was dismantled by my eyes, pieces of various informations detailing the substances that makes up the material was.

From it's atomic stucture to the years of change it had gone through, histories of experience that I couldn't have fathom moments ago was now understandable to me as breathing the air around me.

Though even that seemed different now as I sense and tasted various gaseous materials that blended with the air, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc., all were quick to reveal to my mind.

My resonance with the physical world is no doubt interconnected to my whole being as though my presence alone was an important piece that keeps the gears of the universe running.

And if I'll ever be destroyed... so to will the universe die, it seems cruel and unfair or a last act of spite but this was my nature, I am one with the universe.

Whether others will like it for not, I am and will always be the Universe as much as the Universe is me, I can feel an insurmountable knowledge regarding everything that surrounds me.

My consciousness transcended to a state that it is also interconnected with the universe, what the universe feel I feel it to, from the death of stars, the birth of blackholes, the flow of galaxies, various cosmic visible and invisible phenomenon spread around me.

Matter, Energy, Time, Space... four of the universal and most essential forces that acts as the basis for all other forces to be categorized and bound within the confine of the ever-expanding universe.

It was intriguing... but then new rush of knowledge explodes inside me, technologies, concepts, philosophies, beliefs, etc., everything that was made by a dying race it was all being injected inside of my mind, my consciousness, and my thoughts.

All aspects of my mentality became one as they absorbed the knowledge I'd just gained both awe-inspiring yet morbidly horrifying as I watched the history of the species known through my own mind.

Their rise and fall, their birth and death, their beginning and ending, all if it was witnessed... yet, I felt sympathy, sorrow, sadness, grief.

Emotions I had felt briefly yet vanished due to the unexpected events that had transpired moments ago began to show their presence within me.

I felt 'empathy' and as this came in so to another feeling I was subjected to... 'logic' or at least the collective of what I was feeling, Reason, Actuality, Truth... if the swirls of emotions I felt... feel like a cup full of delicacies.

Them the flurry of collectuge logic was a cup of emptiness, cold and tasteless as if there was truly nothing in it... yet it didn't felt bed, rather it was tame, calm, orderly and unchaotic.

Both clashed and intermixed with each other as I continuously felt it all within me, my mind having comprehend everything before time could have given it's next tick to allow the continuation of the flow of life.

I now felt more relaxed and fine now as I process everything at a normal pace, I can sparsely imagine the knowledge and power flowing within me... when it all appeared and got directly shoved in my mind.

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