[Act 1: Thus Began The Hunt III]

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(???? POV)

I should have never ran off, that was a mistake... I should have heeded my mother's words, entering the human realm was a danger I have not realized until it was too late.

Here I am now, bound in chains born of scarred and diluted arcane power of my kin, an insult to my people and our culture.

It was a pale imitation, one that couldn't even match the one's that I and my kind possess... but it was my own fault in the end for why I have been captured and even shame my kind with this... abominable power made from my own.

Our kind does not take lightly to insults, especially to those who dare make a mockery of our culture and kins way of life... the human had grown arrogant, complacent and corrupt.

Our lands once our home had been taken by humanity, the new apex of the world... as insulting and hard it was too acceot such a fact.

But it was inevitable the earth mother... we have lost her favor, our actions had earned her ire and thus banished us from the world that we had once lived and thrived in.

Now we are outcasts beyond the veils of our earth mother, long had she fell into slumber... refusing any begging or forgiveness that my kins and others species that once had lived upon Gaia.

History repeat itself, so say the humans of old and present... a reminder that no matter what generation, some commit the same mistake as their ancestors did.

We were no different... in our pride and arrogance we've slighted the earth mother... cursing us with dreaded fates that longed damned us from the radiance of her lushed world.

We are limited in the human realm our strength so little of what it once was... no matter how much we begged or tried to gain the earth mother's forgiveness we were always left answered in silence.

Thus we lived beyond the veils upon the shapeless and endless sea of thoughts of which we were now a part of... yet despite its vastness and seemingly grand  possibilities... it lacked meaning or order, no cohesion for us to blend with.

A terrible course when one realize they no longer are as free as they were when the earth mother still welcomed them... beyond the veils they are bound by laws and rules both familiar and alien to what we had knew... it was an orderless realm.

I was young, naive to think that we can still walk upon the earth mother... but I was wrong.

The world does not welcome us as it did so many ages ago... not when we had been forsaken by the earth mother... we were weakened... bound to the elements that was waning upon the earth mother.

The end of our age was coming and none could stop the inevitable... it was the twilight of our age while the begining of mankind's supremacy over the planet.

Without the earth mother's blessing, we are but spirits with little strength to use within the human world, diluted and weakened our strength was still better... but I realized that it was a foolish act to be overconfident over our own strength.

Mankind was growing... expanding... far too fast than any specie could hope to stand againsy or delay... even the one's mighty divinely one's could do little in stopping mankind's rise to prominence.

"Help... please... help anyone... mama..."

How would my other kin see me now? I acting so pitiful against mere humans... humans who had beaten and captured me through their trickery, and because of my own arrogance I'd easily fell prey.

That accursed Magus... I will have him pay... he insulted myself and my kind with that abominable imitation.

I swear in my name he will suffer for a thousand lifetime... he will know only torment when I free myself from this imprisonment.

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