[Act 1: Thus Began The Hunt II]

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(3rd POV)

"This is a bad idea..." Muttered a man as he followed several other individuals that were dressed randomly, leather armor and a short few plating covering most of their body or at least the important one's.

There was still much that are exposed to be easily shot or injured thought not truly vital or crippling that's not to say the injury wouldn't be a hindrance if it's shot or struck carefully.

Nonetheless they numbered over about a thirty string men some carried swords other spears and a few held bows on their arms as they walked through the wilderness.

"Oh, please its not like we haven't done this before." Scoffed another man with scars on his face as he swiped the small branch away passing through another layer of the forest.

"This is different, I have heard that this place is guarded and disturbing it will get us all cursed." Spoke the first as a few scoffed at the tale he had just given.

"Bah! That's just some make believe tale that the folks here are making to scare people off, we would have been dead if that was the case." Remarked a man that seems more well armored than the rest.

He had heard many tales across various places in Britain and not once had he ever been cursed by those tales that the common folks seemed to believe in, he'd long since ignored such hocus-pocus that the common folks of the isles would spread knowing they were just made up.

"But what if its true? No one has ever gone to the Dark Woods before?" That was the name of the place they had just entered, it was called that way because of the sheer darkness it brings.

The place had very few lights or even a way to see the stars due to the tall and thick trees that enshrouded the place up... not to mention the strange fauna it had that makes up the forest.

It also had small rivers and rocky edges on some parts, it was by far the largest forest that was known across these parts stretching over several miles in length.

Some could even hear the strange noise of the sea that echoed across the forest as if they were near the shore, an oddity that made the forest creep and terrifying to the common folks that lives near the forest or have come across it.

The man snorted, what good was it to be afraid of a little strange noise? Don't they always hear that in every forest or creepy places that they'd come across before?

"Oh, don't be a dimwit there's nothing to be afraid of here, this place is simply dark and have weird noises, there is no haunting beast or faes here." That may be true but that didn't reassure the man.

"Yeah, don't be such a scaredy cat it's not like we'll die, we're on a hunt tonight any foul beast will just die at our blades." Barked someone as the rest also agreed.

"Falron how far are we from the village we'll be raiding soon?" The likely leader of the group asked towards his second in command, a bald headed brutish man that towered a few inches taller compared to the rest of them.

"Just a little more walk and we will soon the village boss, heard that there's a lovely Bard living there with a foreign knight from the passerby that crossed the village." Falron informed.

"A bard you say? Well that's surely going to be nice to hear her screams once we have hear makes me wonder that she'll be good as her voice." Everyone else just laughed at their leader's word.

"What about the knight? It will not be an easy fight if we encounter him boss?" One of his subordinates asked knowing how much a danger single knight can be.

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