[Act 2: The Saga Of Kings III]

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(Logos POV)

"Glad i took those royal lessons cause I doubt would've handled all of this shards or no shards, politics are always a pain in the head." I thought to myself, it's been what? 3 weeks since I became king.

Things went well for the first few days or so before the Court officially began and I had to deal with some issue here and there, thankfully I had advisors to help me in that regard.

And by mean advisors I mean ever race that part of my kingdom had a representative and a few of those of the species that make up the chambers of the Throne room.

Where a council of sorts was assembled, I stood at the end, in between the council boards that were built below my throne, where I was looking into what sort of issues that were necessary for me to know.

Luckily most of these issues do require my attention, while the 90% are handled by a medieval version of a bureaucracy, with detailed rules and regulations that were far ahead from what rules in this era possessed.

There are traditions to be followed bit given nature is ever changing those traditions ride the waves of change, seeing improvements but preserving the history and cultural importance it held.

You would've expect that given that the supernatural is less logical and more into superstition or belief of nature which isn't entirely wrong they would've a backwater mindset, well you are wrong.

"Your majesty, news from the Night Elves 3rd Division had discovered some new leylines for the sprites and summer elementals to live in." I nodded, reading through the seemingly changing page that the scroll.

Enchanted to be able to contain a lot of information wrote down that would appear depending on the specific information that someone wish to know or see.

A useful method of storing information, this however was the basic ones that are used usually by the common folks, so seeing this here meant it was received by the Seers of Truth aka superntural ministry version of those who handle information of any kind.

There's various branches and yes, that's what they literally called the various subset of the bureaucracy that make up my nation's government.

"Have the area cleared of any issues that might possibly be a hindrance or harm to the colonies, sent a cluster of Sprites and a few Summer Elementals to assess the leylines before colonizing the area." The dimension that contained my own kingdom was expanding.

Already surpassing earth and will soon rival the size of Neptune within a few more days, and in a week it'll reach the size of Jupiter.

Why was I making such an expansion? Because the supernatural long prisoned in the Reverse Side was massive and has not decrease even after being banished by mother earth.

The news of my ascension have reached far and wide, many are taking the opportunity to enter my realm now that it was part of the planet once more  albeit a different layer.

The moonlit world as it's called... maybe it's the fact that I had a glowing bright moon that shined nearly as bright as the sun acting as the light to my kingdom.

It doesn't move the same way as the real moon outside of my realm, rather it's a reflection of my presence over Khaen'riah, can't beleive they called the kingdom using my name, that was quite ridiculous and funny.

But I paid no mind, letting them name it that way doesn't sound bad at all, even if it's just based on the false name that I carried, Faes do like to be mysterious so it's only naturally I do the same.

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