Chapter 2: Lessons Beyond the Assembly

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How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

The music room welcomed them with an air of familiarity, and every time Na Mi-hi stepped inside, she couldn't help but be astonished by the room's ability to evoke a myriad of emotions, particularly her deep love for music

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The music room welcomed them with an air of familiarity, and every time Na Mi-hi stepped inside, she couldn't help but be astonished by the room's ability to evoke a myriad of emotions, particularly her deep love for music. The notes seemed to dance in the air, carrying echoes of melodies from the past.

Mr. Kwon, their music instructor, took a moment to acknowledge the significance of the room for Mi-hi. "Mi-hi, my dear, I know this room holds a special place in your heart. It's your sanctuary, isn't it?" he remarked, a knowing smile playing on his lips.

Mi-hi nodded, a warm appreciation evident in her eyes. The music room was more than just a space; it was a haven where she could express herself through the language of music.

Mr. Kwon then turned his attention towards Yoongi, who stood quietly by the piano. "And speaking of music," he continued, "I've specially asked Yoongi to join us today. He's the only one else who plays the piano here, and I thought it would be a wonderful addition to our ensemble."

A wave of astonishment washed over Mi-hi as she processed the information. The one she thought was her sunbae turned out to be in the same year as hers. The revelation left her in a fiasco of thoughts. 

Lost in her contemplations, Mr. Kwon shifted his attention towards Jimin, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Now, Jimin, why are you here? I don't remember asking you to come early and play. Did you decide to serenade the morning with your guitar without any prior notice?"

Jimin chuckled, a playful expression lighting up his face. "Well, Mr. Kwon, you know music is spontaneous. It waits for no one, not even for your official invitations. I thought I'd grace the room with a surprise performance today." Mr. Kwon laughed, appreciating the banter. 

"Alright, Mi-hi," Mr. Kwon began, "let's revisit the fundamentals today. Remember, every beautiful composition begins with a solid foundation." His fingers danced gracefully over the piano keys, demonstrating the patterns and scales.

Mi-hi followed his movements, her eyes focused on the intricate dance of his fingers. The room resonated with the timeless beauty of classical music as Mr. Kwon imparted his knowledge with patience and precision.

Meanwhile, Yoongi, positioned at the piano, found himself in a moment of reflection. Despite being an expert, here he was, revisiting the basics of piano, a skill he had honed during his earlier years.

Yoongi," Mr. Kwon called, drawing his attention. "I know you're well-versed, but let's not forget the essence of the basics. Sometimes, revisiting them brings a fresh perspective."

Yoongi nodded, a subtle acknowledgment of the wisdom in Mr. Kwon's words. He began to play, fingers gliding over the keys with a seasoned ease. The music intertwined with the lessons, creating a harmonious blend of instruction and performance.

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