Surprise, Surprise

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"You're giving me a headache," Natalya mumbled from her place on the couch, letting her magazine fall over her face.

I monetarily stopped my pacing to huff at her. "Sue me for being worried, yeah?"

Fiorella giggled and Karina shot her a warning look before turning to me. "Nothing will happen to Ivan, Aida. He's safe with Romero."

I opened my mouth to speak before Stefan ever so rudely interrupted me from his spot on the armchair. "Yeah she's right. My brother doesn't have a thing for hurting kids." The grin he shot me made me want to slash his face with my sharpest knife.

"Very convincing you psycho," I mumbled, looking around for something to do in hopes of easing my nerves.

"Sociopath," he deadpanned, sighing like he was disappointing in me. "I'm the sociopath, Romero's the psychopath."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes duly noted Stefan, I'll make sure to remember in the future."

"You better." His face was brutally serious.

The front door opened, the loud groan of the wood letting us know someone not so nicely entered the house.

Stefan jumped from his seat, pulling out his gun in less than the blink of an eye and I pulled a knife out from behind one of the pillows.

"Do not make a sound," Stefan hissed at us as he stepped forward, gun loaded and ready to shoot whoever the intruder was. He looked over his shoulder at Karina and she nodded, pointing at her phone.

Stefan nodded and stepped into the hallway, his shoulders pulled back and his body tense. A groan left him when he saw whoever it was.

"Father," he glared, his blue eyes darkening. Fiorella shuddered next to me and I rubbed her arm with the best comforting smile I could manage.

A man's laugh rang out and I asumed he was laughing at Stefan's expression. My eyebrows hiked up on my forehead. Their father was one bold asshole.

"That's no way to greet your father," he told his son and his voice made me pause. It sounded oddly... familar.

Stefan put his gun away, positioning himself as a shield in front of me and Natalya. He was broad enough that Natalya was completely hidden and I too, partially.

I assumed his father stepped into view by the way he'd tensed even further and I frowned. I raised on my tiptoes to see over his shoulder but he shot me a side glare that made me lower myself to the ground with a huff.

My eyes slid to Natalya and I had to muster every bit of self control I had not to laugh. Naty's blue eyes slid over Stefan's back, her face twisted in a scowl as she looked over how his muscles flexed under his suit jacket.

I reached over and pinched her hand. She slapped her other hand over her mouth, successfully muffling her yelp.

"My my," Stefan's father muttered and I felt his eyes on me. "Who do we have here?"

"Papà she's Romero's fiance," Fiorella said, a warning undertone coating her voice. "I wouldn't speak to her without him here if I were you."

Her father laughed, obviously finding something amusing about this situation. "Fiance eh? There is no such thing as a proper fiance before I try her out for myself."

Natalya's eyes widened and I fought to keep my composure. His hand came to rest on my shoulder and I shuddered, feeling bile rising up my throat at his touch.

"Take your hand off her," Stefan muttered, his voice so cold it could've frozen Hell Itself over.

His father laughed again and his hand squeezed my shoulder. "She seems like a beautiful little thing, doesn't she son?"

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