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As Caroline and Rachel descended into the basement, their hopeful anticipation quickly turned to disappointment when they found the dusty trunks empty, devoid of the cherished letters they sought. A heavy silence settled between them, the realization that their quest might be in vain hanging in the air.

"Rachel, it's like they disappeared. I don't understand," Caroline whispered, her disappointment palpable.

Rachel's mind raced with possibilities, and then, a spark of determination flashed in her eyes. "Wait, I've got an idea. Let's check your dad's office. Maybe the letters are there."

Caroline hesitated, knowing the risk involved in entering her father's office unnoticed. "But how do we get there without him seeing us?"

Rachel grinned mischievously. "Leave that to me. We'll create a distraction." Caroline nodded, her trust in Rachel unwavering.

As they approached the front door, Rachel took the lead. "Mr. Hastings, may I speak with Caroline? It's really important."

Caroline's father, still suspicious, scrutinized Rachel. "What's this about, Rachel?"

"I just need to talk to her. Girl stuff, you know?" Rachel winked, doing her best to deflect his attention.

Meanwhile, Caroline slipped away, tiptoeing to her father's office. She found the desk drawer and, to her relief, discovered the missing letters. The idea to take photos struck her as a way to preserve the evidence without raising suspicion.

"Rachel, here's the plan. Can I borrow your phone? I'll take photos of the letters. It's quicker than copying them," Caroline explained, urgency in her voice.Rachel handed over her phone, trusting Caroline's instincts.

As Caroline snapped the pictures, a mix of determination and nervousness colored her expression. The operation was completed, and she returned to her room quietly, with the images captured as evidence.

Rachel, having kept her father occupied, bid a hasty farewell. "Talking to you is pointless. You're no help at all." She turned around and left the front porch of Caroline's house. She went around and climbed back over to Caroline's room. 

In the quiet sanctuary of Caroline's room, they huddled around the phone, examining the photos. 

As Caroline and Rachel pored over the intriguing photos, a sudden Instagram notification illuminated Rachel's phone screen. Her eyes widened in surprise as she read the message from JJ, the very person Caroline was texting, but in disguise as John B. 

"Care, I just got a message from JJ, your pen pal's best friend. The hottie." Rachel explained and Caroline jumped to the other side of the bed to see what the message said. 

[instgram dm]

thejj, missrachelb


hey, rachel. it's jb.


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