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As the ferry docked and the ramp descended, Rachel and Caroline wasted no time in hopping into the car, eager to begin the next part of their journey. Following John B's directions, they navigated through the picturesque landscapes of Figure Eight, their eyes widening in awe at the luxurious surroundings. The rich homes and pristine beaches seemed like scenes from a movie.

However, their awe soon gave way to dark reflection as they entered The Cut, the impoverished side of the island. Here, the scenery was ruined by broken-down buildings and a visible sense of despair hung in the air. Caroline couldn't help but feel empathy for John B, understanding why he hated this place.

As they reached the address John B had provided, Caroline found herself trembling with anxiety, her nerves threatening to overwhelm her. Beside her, Rachel offered words of comfort, her presence a soothing balm to Caroline's emotions. Just as Caroline was attempting to calm her racing heart, her phone buzzed with a new message, its arrival adding an unexpected layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.

[private message]

jb, liney



rachel should leave


i want to talk to you alone


i assured you already, i'm not

a serial killer


but it is a serious matter and

i want to talk to you alone



Reluctant to leave Caroline alone with a stranger in such an unfamiliar place, Rachel's worry was clear in her expression and her firm grip on the steering wheel. However, Caroline's assurances and trust in John B eventually eased Rachel's concerns, though she still felt uneasy.

With a final hug and a promise to stay connected, Rachel agreed to Caroline's plan. Caroline thanked her friend and watched her drive off before turning her attention to the task at hand. Taking a deep breath, she gathered her courage and stepped into the house, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As Rachel drove towards Figure Eight, her mind buzzed with a mixture of anxiety and uncertainty. The thought that John Booker Routledge might be a serial killer lingered uneasily in the back of her mind, despite her efforts to push it aside. Yet, she trusted Caroline's judgment and forced herself to calm down as she neared her destination.

Upon arriving at Figure Eight, Rachel parked her car and glanced at her phone, hoping for a message from her friend. Disappointment washed over her as she found no new notifications, but she reassured herself that Caroline was likely just enrolled in conversation. Pushing aside her worries, Rachel resolved to occupy herself while she waited.

Searching for nearby restaurants, Rachel stumbled upon a charming spot called The Wreck and decided to check it out. With determination in her, she headed towards the restaurant, hoping that a good meal and pleasant surroundings would help pass the time until Caroline's text arrived.

Rachel arrived at the restaurant and was greeted by a friendly hostess who led her to a cozy table. As she looked through the menu, her stomach growled, reminding her of her hunger. The colorful descriptions of the dishes only served to sharpen her appetite further, momentarily distracting her from thoughts of Caroline's mysterious meeting.

Finally settling on a grilled cheese sandwich and a refreshing glass of iced tea, Rachel eagerly awaited her meal. As she waited, she absentmindedly scrolled through her phone, passing the time until her food arrived.

When her order arrived, Rachel's attention was momentarily diverted from her phone by the delicious aroma coming from her plate. As she savored each bite of her meal, she glanced around the restaurant and spotted a familiar face across the bar. It was Kiara, engaged in conversation with the hostess who had seated Rachel earlier. Rachel contemplated approaching Kiara, but hesitated, uncertain of what she would say.

After finishing her meal, Rachel's curiosity about Caroline's meeting with John B became insatiable, compelling her to approach the girl who had been talking with the hostess. As she approached the bar, the hostess inquired if Rachel needed assistance, to which Rachel politely declined with a shake of her head before requesting to speak with the girl.

With a nod of approval from the hostess, the girl stepped forward, prompting Rachel to introduce herself as a friend of Caroline's, John B's old pen pal. She explained that they had arrived in OBX earlier and that Caroline was currently with John B. Rachel elaborated on their conversation from the previous night, recounting John B's cryptic remarks about a complicated situation and the need for an in-person discussion. Concerned by Caroline's silence, Rachel expressed her desire to understand what was happening between them.

However, the girl's puzzled expression indicated confusion, leading her to question Rachel's mention of Caroline. Rachel persisted, clarifying Caroline's identity as John B's long-lost pen pal and their current whereabouts at John B's residence. Yet, the girl remained confused, asserting that John B would have mentioned reconnecting with his pen pal Caroline, leaving Rachel feeling even more confused.

Before Rachel could respond, the girl's attention shifted, and she announced John B's arrival with a single phrase: "And there he is."

As Rachel saw John B approach Kiara, she intercepted him before he could reach her. "Hi, I'm Rachel." she began, her voice trembling with urgency. "I'm your old pen pal Caroline's best friend. Is your meeting over? Where's Caroline?"

John B's expression clouded with confusion as he processed Rachel's words. "I haven't heard from Caroline in ages." he admitted, his voice tinged with concern. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Rachel's heart sank at his response, but she refused to accept it. She launched into the story once more, desperation creeping into her voice. "Caroline is at your house talking with you." she insisted, her tone bordering on frantic.

John B's brows furrowed in disbelief as he struggled to comprehend the situation. "I don't understand." He admitted, his voice tight with worry. "As you can see, I'm not at my house meeting with Care."

Rachel's frustration peaked as she demanded answers. "Then who the fuck is with Caroline right now?" she pressed, her voice rising in urgency.

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