ꨄ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏: 𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐚 𝐰/ 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 ✧

62 2 13

~ 10am / Will's apartment ~

The weather finally decided to be better today. The thunderstorm stopped at around 4am and cleared up. Thank god!
I slowly open my eyes and it took me a second to realize I'm not in my house- I'm somewhere else!

I get up, look around when I suddenly remember: I'm in Will's house! He had let me sleep over for the night cuz of the nasty thunderstorm! He's actually so caring, it makes me sick but in a good way. I've never encountered someone so caring in my life before... he's a true gem!

I go to the bathroom to use the toilet. Once done I was about to walk to Will's room when I smelled something so good coming from the kitchen!
I followed the smell and saw Will making pancakes! He's awake already???
"Good morning", I greet him, yawning.
he turns to me and smiles.
"Good morning y/n! have you slept well?", he asks me in return, flipping the pancakes.
"I did but- how long have you been awake for?", I ask, rubbing my eyes.
"2 hours. I couldn't sleep anymore for some reason so I decided I'd make us breakfast before you wake up. They're almost done tho", he says. God he's just amazing?

"I wanted to thank you again for being so generous to me. I know I probably shouldn't thank you but I've just never had someone like this before. Of course my friends are caring too and I love them to bits but why you've gotta be so damn kind man?", I say, watching him cook.
Will giggles as I've said it.
"I don't know, I may just be like that and I love taking care of people and make sure they're doing ok. I know what it's like to suffer and have no one to go to and lean on and talk to, so I wanna be that person for other people. I wish I had someone like that when I needed it most but, now I'm this person for other people. And you deserve it, just like everyone else", he says as he prepares our breakfast.

My smile grows so much better and my heart pounding. "I admire you for that", I say looking at him.
He hands us our plates and we start eating. I don't know what it is but I feel even safer and comfortable with him than I did before. Plus the fact he's so generous and caring, does something to me.
Y/n are you honestly starting to feel something??? You can't do this- don't be weird-

After we had finished eating, I asked Will if I could take a shower and he nodded in response. He also said I can borrow some of his clothes since I don't have much on me. So I picked out a shirt that says "Doomed" on it and I decided to wear my jeans from yesterday cuz his jeans are not fitting me.
Meanwhile Will is cleaning up and also changing his clothes into something more casual.

Once I'm done, he quickly takes a shower and then we discussed on what we're doing now. Technically I could go back home now since the weather cleared up but I wanted to spend some more time with him, so we agreed on him bringing me home later and we'd go shopping and then we'd go to the cinema since there's a movie playing and I really wanna see it.
We make ourselves ready and head to turn where Will needs to go look for a new guitar for his shows. And just in general, looking into shops.
"You look amazing in that shirt btw", he compliments me as he sees me in his "Doomed" shirt.
"Thank you!", I smile at him, feeling good in his shirt.


"Alright y/n I need to look for a new guitar for future shows . I do have one but I need to have options", he said as he walk into a store that simply sells instruments. We go to the guitar part of the shop and Will is just testing out different guitars.
I meanwhile went on my way to look around and see what other stuff they have. I'm amazed by the collection of instruments. Fun part is that you can even test them, like Will does. I came across the drums part and I just hit a few drums and they sound so good (I don't know how to play them).

Eventually I walk back to Will who seems to have made a decision.
"And? Have you decided yet?", I ask him to which he nods.
"YES! This is gonna be it", he points at the guitar. Not gonna lie, it's a pretty one so Will buys it.
We walk into the next shops which are clothing shops and Will then says I can buy myself something too if I want anything- which surprised me.
"Are you sure?", I ask him cuz I'm genuinely not sure about it.
"Yeah go for it!", he assures me.
I look around and I find a really cool shirt. It's nothing specific but it has cool art in the front and it's just so my style. So I picked it and Will nodded his head in response.
We keep looking around, then went to pay for the things we bought and Will pays for my shirt!

"You actually paid for it? I would have paid it myself", I say shocked.
"Yeah! Now I paid and well it's for you so", he smiles at me. I wanna tear up now-
We walk out and it was almost time for the cinema so we grabbed a quick snack from a place and then headed to the cinema.
This time, I pay for our tickets since I can't let this man just spoil me like this. This doesn't feel right... so i pay for the tickets and snacks we buy and then head to our cinema room. I got us both popcorn and nachos plus something to drink!

We have obviously the last seats in the back. The best spots if you ask me! We take our seat and I'm very excited and very happy. I don't think I've been THIS happy in ages!
"I'm excited for the movie", I tell Will who's already munching on some popcorn.
"Me too! I'm excited to see it, especially with you", he smiles at me which makes me heart jump.
Luckily the room is a bit dark so he can't see me blushing like crazy. I smile at him and turn my face to the screen. I munch on some popcorn too.

Eventually the movie starts and I'm enjoying this so much! I'm so happy the room is dark cuz i can't stop blushing and even when I try to focus on the movie but Will besides me is making me blush so much and i can't help it but sometimes glance at him. He's fixated on the movie but I can feel him glancing at me too from time to time.

After the movie, it was time for Will to drop me off at home since we agreed he'd do it but none of us really wanted to. I felt so good being in his presence and spend time with him. I wish this could last forever...
Both sighing, he follows me to my apartment and on the way we talk about the movie and what great fun we had today. I again thank him for everything and even buying me a shirt! We smile at each other and I can feel myself blushing again but this time I can't hide it - so he sees it. GODAMN-

"Are you blushing?", he asks me with a smirk. I try to hide it.
"No? What makes you think that?", I avoid eye contact.
"You ARE blushing girl. That's cute", he teases me further.
Saying that my blushing is cute, makes me blush more.
"Will stop! Let's just walk home", I say giggling.
Knowing Will, he likes to tease people...
"As you say but say it", he says.
"Say what?", I ask.
"Say that I make you blush right now", he teases.
"Fuck off Will", I reply back, rolling my eyes.
"No just say it y/n", he keeps teasing. The only way to overcome this, is to fight back with his own weapons.
"Ok but then you have to say it back to me. That I make YOU blush too", I smirk at him. Now he's the one trying to avoid it.
"You make me blush y/n! HA! Now you", he suddenly says. Damn...
"Fine... you make me blush Will", I say and Will seems happy.
"Good! We're even now", he laughs.

We come to my apartment and then the realization hit me... my mood switches from happy to sad. We stand in front of my door and say our goodbyes. I can see that he doesn't wanna do it as well but it has to be done.
"I know I'm saying this a million times but thank you again for everything Will. Thank you for letting me stay at yours and looking after me. You're so kind and I love spending time with you. Let's do it more often", I give him a smile. Our eyes meet and we stared at each other for a good min.
"No problem y/n. I had lots of fun today. I'd love to hang more. I'll see you then", he smiles back at me.
we fall into a hug but this hug was a genuine one. He tightly hugged me and I did it back and after a few mins we let go.
"bye Will", I wave at him before disappearing behind my door.
"Byee y/n", he waves at me back before walking off.

There I am! Back in my apartment. I turned on the light and just sit on the sofa for a while. I don't know what to do now... eventually I get up and I make myself ready for tomorrow, eating something later and then watch tv on my couch. Me and Will, despite the fact we've spend the whole day together, are back on texting since he had sent me something so I replied to it.

By 10:30pm I went to bed and fell asleep. Today has been amazing! I can't wait to see Will again! Just thinking about him again makes my stomach hurt but in a good way!
WORDS: 1759


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