my room Part 2

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I woke up to feel contractions rippling through my body. Oh no, I thought to myself. Fiona has induced the labour. I suddenly felt on worse than ever before. 

"AWOUUUGGHHH" I cried as my hands instinctively went to my pregnant stomach but were restrained by rope. Shit. I couldn't move. I suddenly felt inside my stomach that only 2 babies were inside. I felt one move down a little and I pulled and tugged till the roped finally snapped. I shuffled to the door and looked outside. There was nobody there. I quickly ran out the door as fast as a pregnant woman with twins scientifically enlarged to the size of 5 year olds inside her could. But then I heard a sound that scared me and made me run as fast as I could. 

Fiona yelled "NOT SO FAST, YOU WILL STAY AND GIVE BIRTH FOREVER WITH ME!" I ran but then when I was deep into the woods I felt the worst contraction yet but I kept running. I felt the urge to push but I tried not too until she was out of sight, but I couldn't hold it in I stopped and pushed for a good 20 seconds and the head started sliding into my knickers. I noticed Fiona was coming back into sight so I had I keep running. I could feel the bulge of the head now the size of a large watermelon but I still kept running. I finally lost her in the thickness of the woods and sat down against a tree. I needed to push. But the urge was gone.

I felt contractions so painful I squirmed and screamed but decided to try and walk to civilisation. I had just about stood up when a contraction coursed through me and I fell. I finally stood up but Had no idea where to go so I walked on the faint, overgrown pathway and hoped for the best. I felt contractions and had to slow down. Suddenly my waters broke and I laid down and tried to take off my knickers but I realised they were not knickers and were Fiona's latest invention. They were tight pants that were meant to be a struggle to take off so that the live audience that paid to watch my birth would be entertained.

I struggled taking them off and when I did I was relieved for a few seconds and then I had to push I gave one last push and a gush of fluid came out and they both came out because one was eating the others legs. 

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