Pregnapped Part 3

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I decided to got on a long hike now that wasn't pregnant even though my belly was huge

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I decided to got on a long hike now that wasn't pregnant even though my belly was huge. I wore a bikini with a swimming costume on top then some tight hiking jeans and a purple top. I planned to swim in the lake so I went on a 10 mile walk. 

When I was seven miles in I felt a strangely familiar pain but dismissed it as post-labour pains. I kept going but when I reached the lake and swam in my swimming costume I realized that Mark was right and I was having quads. It was too late to walk back but I took off my swimming costume only to remember I wore a bikini underneath. 

I felt the contractions getting worse so I got out and leant against a tree

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I felt the contractions getting worse so I got out and leant against a tree. Suddenly my waters broke and labour slowed down so I started walking back. I felt the contractions starting up and hurting more which was making it harder for me to walk back home to give birth when suddenly 

" AWOUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" I fell to the ground and started pushing when I felt The head rest in the bikini bottoms.

" AWOUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" I fell to the ground and started pushing when I felt The head rest in the bikini bottoms

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I held it's head and ran but right into someone but saw it was Mark. I trembled in pain and fear. 

"You again my pretty, I will have some more fun then. What a lovely surprise." He tied me up and thrust into me, forcing the head back in to my uterus. I screamed in pain and shock of it.

 "I will deliver your baby. Now I will shove my fingers into you and you better push them out. Got it?" 

"Yes, yes please let me give birth". He shoved them into me and I gave one small push and they were forced out. I pushed until it came out. Mark picked it up and threw into the lake "NOOOOOO!" I cried but it was no use. Mark asked me if the next baby was coming soon and I shook my head 

"Perfect now I will have my fun." He grabbed my gigantic belly and pressed down on it while I screamed in pain.

" He grabbed my gigantic belly and pressed down on it while I screamed in pain

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I pushed and the baby immediately fell out and it's head was stuck in me. Suddenly Mark pulled it out and gave it to me. 

"Now don't tell anyone or else. Got it?" I nodded and he chucked the baby into the lake while I lay there panting and crying on the floor

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