Fiona Part 1

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Note I got inspo from Birth Stories by ItsAva_Lee

Fiona was 9 months and 3 weeks pregnant and she was 3 weeks overdue with quadruplets and when she would give birth she had 3 waters that head to break before each baby was born. So 12 waters in total. She was in the grocery store to get some food to last a while when she suddenly had a pain in her stomach. 20 minutes later she had another. this happened 3 more times over the next hour and she realised she was in labour. 

She lifted up her blue shirt and rubbed her belly but suddenly she had one only 8 minutes from the last

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She lifted up her blue shirt and rubbed her belly but suddenly she had one only 8 minutes from the last. It hurt so much she grabbed the shelf next to her for support. She went to the bathrooms to go to a stall but they were all full.  She couldn't stand up any longer so she fell to the ground and spread her legs wide whilst moaning in pain as another contraction came 6 minutes after the last. Then she saw her ex-boyfriend Richard.

"Fiona you have to go to the hospital! Let me take you there" He picked her up bridal style and started taking her to his car. "OWWW Richard it hurts" Fiona cried. Richard walked faster when suddenly he saw a bulge in Fiona's tight trousers. "Fiona your waters are bulging out!" they just reached his car so he set her down in the passenger's seat. 

"Fiona you need to gently push so they will break but first I will check you *checks her* you are 4cm dilated when they break you should give birth anytime". Fiona secretly doesn't want to give birth "Richard please can you go to the store and buy a bottle of water?" He thought it was odd but went "OWWWW babies you can't come now".

She saw the first head crown and she couldn't resist anymore so she pushed 4 times and it came out. She looked to make sure Richard wasn't back and pushed it back in. Richard came back. "Fiona I will drive you to the hospital but are you crowning yet because it's 1 and a half hours away". "OWWW no I'm not crowning at all" Fiona lied. He started driving and suddenly exclaimed "Oh no it will take at least 3 hours to get there because there was an accident on the road!" Fiona secretly smiled in relief.

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