Pregnapped Part 2

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I went to the car and turned on the gas

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I went to the car and turned on the gas. The journey was 20 minutes long and ten minutes in I felt a small pain in my stomach and realised it was a contraction. I arrived there and started restocking the shelves when I felt my first waters break. I walked to the bathroom and my belly was so swollen and sensitive. I made a makeshift absorbent pad with lots of loo roll and stuffed it in my pants. I sucked my belly in and wrapped it in fabric and changed into my tight work top. I had to hide my belly. 

I went to the cash register to start my 9 hour shift. I turned on the light and people started coming to check out. I felt the first head pushing out and in of me then it stayed out making a bulge in my jeans. I saw a customer looking around and they nearly saw it so I pushed it back in. I mistakenly let out a small groan of pain and I just dismissed it as an aching arm when the customer asked if I was okay. 

As soon as my shift ended at 4pm I went to my car to drive to my next workplace. I have lots of bills to catch up on since I was preg-napped. I drove but there was lots of traffic an I would get there in 2 hours and 30mins. I felt the head pushing against my jeans but I couldn't unbutton them because my belly was too big.

 I felt the head pushing against my jeans but I couldn't unbutton them because my belly was too big

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I felt the head go in and out on it's own. I stuck one hand down and felt my entrance. The head went way back in so I couldn't feel it. I kept driving but the contractions got worse. I kept thinking about when Mark said I would be having quads but I'm only having twins. He must've been mistaken I thought. I arrived at my job at the bar and retied the fabric to keep my belly in. When I finished my shift the contractions were so bad but I undid the fabrics and climbed into the car.

I felt the head coming out and I had to push. I gave one 5 minute long excruciating push then I felt the head and shoulders slide out. I pushed one more time and felt the body come out. I pulled my jeans up and buttoned the tightly and kept driving. The second one was bigger and I could feel it's head hammering my entrance. I pushed and screamed in pain as when the head started to exit my uterus. It went into my aching cervix and I knew I had to take off my seatbelt.

I unbuckled it and I could feel my jeans tightening by the minute. I pushed and i could feel the head resting in my panties so I put the car on auto pilot (which I should've done to start with but I don't trust it that much) and started pushing. I could feel it coming out into my jeans. "AWOUUUUUUUGGHHHH!". I screamed in pain as my pussy stretched around the massive head. I finally took pf my jeans and I felt my second waters break *finally, I thought to myself* 

 I finally took pf my jeans and I felt my second waters break *finally, I thought to myself* 

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I saw the half of the head and it was rather big. I suddenly felt the urge to push my stomach down as I pushed so I decided to prepare to do so when the next painful contraction started. "AWOUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I yelled and the baby squeezed out. I drove to the adoption centre and left them there because I didn't want kids at all. My belly didn't deflate but I just shrugged it off and went hom.e

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