Pregnapped Part 1

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I woke up and saw a masked figure enter the room

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I woke up and saw a masked figure enter the room. He took off his mask and I realized who he was. He was my ex boyfriend Mark who I broke up with because I didn't want him in my children's life.

 "Hello Fiona, I will be in these quadruplets life whether you like it or not now hold still. HA well you don't really have a choice.". He poked a gun in my stomach and I could feel them squirming inside me. He suddenly forced a tube into me and I writhed around trying to move but my arms and legs were bound. He ejected some stuff into me that made my stomach expand rapidly. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?" I yelled. Then I screamed out in shock when he thrust into me. "Stop please! The babies don't like it.". He gave me a mischievous and wild smirk before saying "Not until I'm done with you.". He kept thrusting into me until my fluids suddenly came out (not waters breaking) "OOOOWWWWW!" I cried whilst panting through the contraction. Then he said this.

"Fine I'll let you go but you better not tell the police and if you do I will find you and do worse." "Yes Mark" I sobbed. and ran out of there. I went home and changed into some jeans and a tight top because they were the only clean things I had. And started to drve to work at the store.

 And started to drve to work at the store

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