Fiona Part 2

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They were trying to drive but there was too much traffic when Fiona felt the baby suddenly move down her birth canal at an alarmingly fast rate

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They were trying to drive but there was too much traffic when Fiona felt the baby suddenly move down her birth canal at an alarmingly fast rate. She felt it's head crowning then come out. As she shoved it back in she didn't realise Richard saw her and he was so surprised. Then he said 

"Fiona since the baby's head is coming out you have to push?" 

"NOOOO OWWWWW I won't" Then she said

"Richard I'm not giving birth in a car and can we not go to the hospital? I need to get some stuff from my house in the woods. It shouldn't be too long OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW IT'S SO MUCH PRESSURE OWWWWWWWWW!"  Then Richard said.

"Okay just breathe we're close to your house but don't push the heads up to far okay Fiona?" "Oh fuck the second waters are bulging out OOOOOWWWWWWW" Fiona cried out in a lot of pain 

"Just try and push okay" Richard said. When they got to the cabin Richard ran in to grab his stuff and Fiona climbed to the drivers seat of her car and started it car. Richard came out and shouted  

"What are you doing Fiona?" But she had driven away and yelled SORRY from the car window. She got stuck in heavy traffic so she decide to go to work (sorry really like the giving birth at work theme) She arrived at the store and went to the bathroom to put on her white work shirt

 She got stuck in heavy traffic so she decide to go to work (sorry really like the giving birth at work theme) She arrived at the store and went to the bathroom to put on her white work shirt

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She sucked in her belly and put a lot of duct tape to suck it in. Then she put on the mandatory black work jeans that were so tight her babies squirmed in distaste. She screamed in pain from the contractions as they were getting worse. Fiona decided to check how dilated she was so she stuck her fingers up her entrance and moaned in discomfort. She was only 6cm dilated. She could feel her water bag still bulging out of her so she stuck her 2 fingers up and pushed, but nothing happened except the waters bulged more to add more pain. 

She walked to restock the shelves when suddenly she felt pop under her and she realized the second (out of 3) water had broken. She went to the bathroom and cleaned herself up but then the 3rd and final one bulged out even more. She began her shift and restocked so many shelves. She went to the storage room ,because her contractions were so bad, to massage her belly then retape it. When she was done she told herself only one more hour, then I can do my midwife work at the hospital. As soon as her shift finished she got in her car to drive there. Suddenly her final water broke!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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