🩷 ~ Chapter 2: Sweet As Sugar ~ 💜

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A/N: Hi, welcome back! My apologies for the late chapter, I really did want to get it posted last night, but things didn't work out that way. I promise I'll try to be better at consistent updates in the future!💙

I posted a character aesthetic board for our leading lady, Mackenzie Forge, on my TikTok (sunset_hale) and Instagram (sunset_hale) if you're interested in checking it out, and I plan on making more boards in the future!🎨😊🩷

Anyway, enough of my rambling! Without further ado, I hope you enjoy Chapter 2!😊💜💖💜💖🦋

"You make what doesn't matter fade to gray. Life is good and that's the way it should be." -Echosmith (from their song, "Bright")

Kenzie's POV

"Hi, is this seat taken?"

Not expecting to have my drawing session interrupted, especially not by a voice that practically radiated joy and sounded like the jingling of little bells, I looked up from my sketchbook, eyebrows furrowed in confusion until I met the soft, golden eyes of none other than Alice Cullen.

"No, it's not; it's yours if you want it. I'm pretty sure I scared away the last guy who sat next to me," I replied, laughing a little at the memory.

"Thanks," she smiled, sitting in the seat next to me and setting down her bag before turning back to me. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you scare him away?"

"Well, I tend to listen to music while I draw, and I was in the middle of a sketch, tapping my feet to the beat," I started, mimicking tapping my feet on the floor, "and I got a little too distracted, so when I moved the book, it hit my textbook, which fell on the floor with a loud smack, scaring the crap out of the poor guy next to me," I finished, lightly slapping the desk to emphasize my point.

"Wow, yeah, that would do it," she managed to say before erupting into giggles, shaking her head fondly at the image.

I couldn't help but join in, chuckling as I playfully retorted, "Well, in my defense, it wasn't completely my fault! The textbook deserves some blame too!"

At that, our gazes met again before we dissolved into hysterics, laughing so hard I felt my eyes welling up with tears, and I couldn't believe we didn't fall out of our seats.

Eventually, we regained our composure and I wiped the joyful tears from my cheeks, thanking the stars that the teacher and most of our classmates hadn't arrived yet. Though at the same time, I don't think I would've cared if they had.

Alice was great company, with her intent listening during my story, carefree abandon of being herself despite what anyone else thought, and her kind demeanor overall, refusing to sit next to me without checking to make sure I was okay with it first.

Alice shook her head again, though this time, her expression was one of amusement and realization, as if a lightbulb had come to life over her head, but I doubted any lightbulb could be bright enough to match her.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'm Alice Cullen," she said with a bright grin, extending her beautifully manicured right hand.

"It's okay, no worries. I'm Mackenzie Forge, though you can call me Kenzie or Ellie if you want; most people do," I replied with a smile as I gently shook her offered hand.

"That's a nice name. Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, but why Ellie?" she asked, smiling apologetically.

"Thanks, so is yours. No, it's okay, Ellie is part of my middle name, Elliana," I explained.

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