💙~ Chapter 4: War & Worry ~💜

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"Don't know if you get it 'cause I can't express how thankful I am. That you were always with me when it hurts, I know that you understand."-Zoe Wees (from her song, "Control")

A/N: Hi everyone, welcome back! I'm sorry this chapter is late, but on the bright side, you get to see three perspectives in this one!😊💜🦋

⚠️Here's a minor content warning specifically for this chapter: Slightly detailed descriptions of one of the many World War II tragedies.

I hope you enjoy, and without further ado, here is Chapter 4!💖🩷💜💖🩷💜

Kenzie's POV

"-lie? Ellie, can you hear me? Kenzie, wake up. Wake. Up!"

I shot upright, simultaneously knocking the persistent hand off my shoulder. Looking up as I adjusted my glasses, I saw Angela standing in front of me with a half-amused look on her face, an eyebrow raised at me.

"What?" I questioned, picking up the worn copy of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which must've slipped out of my hands at some point, landing unceremoniously on the floor. Dusting off the cover, I stood up to put it back, only to stumble, thanks to my feet, which had gone numb.

Ange quickly steadied me, replying, "We're running late for class, c'mon." In no time, she had taken the book, set it on the to-be-shelved cart, slung my bag over her shoulder, and acted as my crutch on the way out of the library and down the hallway.

Just to be safe, she walked me to History and sat my bag down on my desk. "You're a lifesaver, Ange, thank you," I said as I sat down.

"No problem. Just remember, if you take that long to wake up again, you're getting the old Wicked Witch of the West treatment," she warned, miming splashing a bucket of water on me.

"Noted, just spare the books," I nodded, snickering as she rolled her eyes. "Good luck on your test."

"Thanks, bye, Kenzie," she smiled with a wave before hurrying out the door. Soon after her speedy exit, Emmett came strolling in, and spotting me, made his way over, setting his bag on the floor and taking the chair next to me.

"Hey shortstack, long time no see," he smirked in greeting.

"It's good to see you too, Em, though I hate to break it to you, you're a little late," I replied with a grin, which grew into a smirk as a look of confusion wiped the smugness off of Em's face.

"But, the bell hasn't even rung yet," he retorted, eyebrows furrowed as he threw a quick glance at the clock.

"I wasn't talking about class, I was talking about your comeback. It's about..." I made a show of pretending to do the math, "two and a half hours late," I finished with a nod.

Realization clicked in his eyes and he chuckled, shaking his head as he remarked, "Wow, Alice wasn't kidding."

"Alice wasn't kidding about what?" I asked, turning to face him fully.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Take out your textbooks, please," Mr. Raymond announced after the bell rang.

After taking out my book and turning it to the right chapter, I muttered, "What wasn't Alice kidding about?"

Emmett did the same, and with an innocent shrug of his shoulders and a barely concealed smirk, he muttered back, "I'll tell you later."

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