In a small galaxy known as the Milky Way Galaxy, a ship escape pod is shooting past meteors and moons towards a small dirty planet known as Earth. The pod manages to swiftly dodge the space rocks one by one. Chasing the pod is a large Velocitronian Military Service Cruiser lined with light blue wires; across the sides of the cruiser. The Cruiser has scratched up red panels from gliding against meteorites heading towards them.
Inside the cruiser were three tall velocitronians, two grounder and one flier. The two grounder had similar alt modes; tanky SUVs with at least one stasis blaster attached to their right arm. The flier on the other hand was completely different from the two grounders. The flier was a slick and almost sophisticated model with a pair of buzzsaws attached to each forearm. The flier's optics were covered by a cyan visor that had a tinted blue glow coming from it. While the two grounders were mostly painted in greys and black, the flier had beautiful shades of blue, white and cyan in the middle of their chassis was a bright glimmering silver star.
"Commander Zephyr, the fugitive is heading towards a populated organic planet. Should we increase the booster speed?" The large grounder asked at the cruiser's console. Zephyr's visor flashed several symbols faster than the human mind could comprehend. Her vision turned towards a section of broken up debris that had a much clearer and curved path towards the planet than the one they currently on.
"Have the ship turn on this path and increase boosters by fifteen percent, Tumble," Zephyr replied. The console screen flashes and shows the exact path. The dark coloured grounder replies gruffly " Yes,Commander."
The ship smoothly traverse through the path of meteors; without another scratch caressing it's surface. Once they made it through the bend, it appears the pod is only a few meters away from them. While Tumble and Blockade cheer, Zephyr smiles to herself, proud of how she-
The cruiser shakes from an explosion underside of the ship as the escape pod flies above them; zooming towards the planet until it reaches the planet's atmosphere. Once it makes it past the ozone, it burst into flames heading towards the ground. In the cruiser, alarms start blaring in the cockpit.
Zephyr clenches her jaw in order to not curse Primus. The twin grounders rush around the different screens, trying to see what problems they could fix now while they could. On Zephyr's left screen a smile face emoji pops up; then a map of the planet pops in with splodges of pinks in certain sectors.
The commander brow raises and thought to herself 'Energon? On a organic planet?'. She shook her head, there were no time for questions now. They needed resources fast or else the ship would offline, then the crew would follow suit.
" Very well then," she nodded towards the screen. A video of a party kazoo popping and spraying confetti played on her screen while Zephyr turned towards the two grounders; who were still panicking.
"Blockage, set a course towards the planet. Tumble, prepare the ship for an emergency landing and retrieve the energon scanners and mineral combiner." The flier commands with respect. The twin grounders look towards the commander with wide optics. Blockage panicked asks the commander "But c-commander, what abou-" but is swiftly interrupted by Zephyr.
"I want to prioritise my crew's safety over some traitor," she says with a firm voice. After that Blockage starts piloting the cruiser towards the planet, Tumble quickly as he could; headed towards the back of the ship.
As Zephyr walks towards Blockage to assist him, she vows to herself
'Prepare yourself, Fugitive. Because when I find you, I will not only punish you for almost harming my crew; but for endangering all of Velocitron and perhaps thousands of galaxies.'
Meanwhile on Earth:
In the middle of Oakley Forest, MaineAt night-time, Oakley Forest was definitely not somewhere you wanted to be. Especially with the wild wolf or mama bears during the spring and summer. According to folktales, it was a place where all sorts of monsters could pop outta nowhere and snatch you up to never be seen again.
But right now, with the quarter moon shining down across the trees. With some of the stray grass blowing in the breeze and to mention the soft sounds of a river close by; why it's the perfect vacation spot for all the outdoorsy types out there.
Suddenly from the night sky, a star made of metal and glass came crashing; down into the dirt bed. Skidding along the ground, it made a trail of shattered glass and bent scraps of metal. Once it came to a stop, several small and big creatures slowly trotted towards it, leading the charge was a fearsome black bear with dirt and tiny pieces of bark; tangled in its fur.
As the bear moved closer, the metal star started to crack open slowly. While most of the smaller animals quickly backed away from it, the bear trudged forwards; sniffing the air round it. Somethi- or someone started rise up from out the cocoon and opened it's 'eyes' and looked towards the black bear.
As the strange metal being analyse the black bear's appearance; the slightly smaller creature tilted it's head. Curious, it walked towards the being, sniffs it. "Awww, you poor dear," the metal creature says with a sad coo. But the bear could not understand a single word coming from their mouth. As the black bear continues to sniff, the metal creature uses their fingers to get the mud and barks of wood from the bear's fur.
Once they were done, the bear looked as clear as it had ever been. The metal being headed towards a river, washing their hands of all the dirt they had got on the hands. After that they walked back towards their pod, to inspect it thoroughly to see any damages. Then they started dragging their escape pod towards what appeared to be a cave system. Their silhouette slowly camouflaging in with the darkness; along with the pod.
End of Chapter 1
Notes and Details for the Story:
For the first story I'm publishing ever, I think it's pretty decent. Although, I will need to improve as this story continues, especially when it comes to coming up with new words instead of repeating them too much. Now to start this off:
1) For Transformers fans out there wondering about Moonracer's design and personality; I would describe them as similar to IDW's version but with a few added bonuses.
2) With Zephyr, I would say she's like the Heatwave of the team while Tumble and Blockage are your typical dumb twins scenario; But you lot will get to know more about all of them and the cruiser which is known as the Comet Crusher as the story goes on.
3) Those who are fans of any other shows or games; don't worry. I'll be doing stories for stuff like Hazbin Hotel, Sonic or maybe Welcome Home since I have a few ideas for those ones, especially Hazbin and Helluva after the Hazbin Hotel Season 1 Finale.
4) Another thing, I don't own any characters that belong to Hasbro. The only characters that I created are in this fic and may appear in other future fics.
5) Also if you haven't seen Earthspark, I suggest you give it a try. I can tell a lot of effort was put into this show from not just the animators, but the VAs as well.HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS FIRST CHAPTER
MoonWalk ( A Earthspark Journeys Fanfic)
AdventureAfter crashing on a strange organic planet called Earth, Moonracer finds herself in the company of a young human girl named Monty and her grieving father Micheal. Now our new family must take a roadtrip to Witwickey to find out what the voice Moonra...