tWo (revised)

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"You died."

Cadmus's words kept repeating themselves as Eden stared off into the space between them. She heard nothing besides the ringing in her head and the sound of Cade's voice saying, "You died" echoing.

Her heart dropped at the realization that even if she had died, there she sat: breathing, afraid, cold, and half-naked. A tremor ran across her body before she felt the need to regurgitate. She hiccupped once, gagging, before placing a hand on her mouth to avoid spewing her guts in front of them all, her eyes searching frantically for somewhere to deposit what was in her mouth. Seeing her distress, Cade reached for the trash and placed it into her hands just in time for Eden to turn away from them and release everything.

Tears streaked her cheeks as vomit- mostly bile and alcohol- ended up in the trash can. Protective arms wrapped around her as she continued, stuck in her own world. She didn't even realize the men were arguing behind her.

"If it's alright with you, may I have a few minutes alone with her? She just received the most horrific news of her life. Not only did she have a panic attack inside that thing, considering it's a deadly fear of hers; but- does she even look okay to any of you?"

The Doctor and the Agent locked eyes while the young man stood at a distance, gawking at Eden with a mix of concern and fear. The Agent broke the silence first. "I understand your suggestion... but until I have a damn clue what's going on, I'll have to ask you both to remain here. I don't even understand what I don't understand," the agent said the last sentence to himself as he ran a hand through his hair.

Eden heard Cadmus grit his teeth as he continued rubbing her back and holding her hair. She could feel him tense as he held her shoulder. Although she didn't know what could make him tense, she was too distracted to care; a surge of hunger overcame her. Spitting three times, Eden wiped her mouth. As soon as she felt confident that she could breathe past her nausea, Eden studied her surroundings carefully.

What stood out to her the most was the amount of metallic gray in the room. The walls, devoid of color and life, were a depressing pale shade- reminiscent of bone. Despite its bleak appearance, it calmed Eden long enough, anchoring her to the present.

"Look, I understand we cannot leave, but how else do you expect her to get dressed?" Cadmus tried once more. "Or do you get off on keeping her half-naked and vulnerable?"

That snapped Eden back to their conversation. With a double take, she refrained from speaking, as a loud gasp echoed across the room. From the corner of her eye, Eden swore she saw the younger man place a hand on his chest as he gasped.

"I'd appreciate it if you refrain from making those sorts of comments. Our job is to keep everyone safe, and right now- I'm uncertain what to do next." The agent admitted.

Cade turned to Eden, ignoring the surrounding men. From her peripheral, Eden saw the agent and the doctor walk towards the cowering man, who was now biting his nails.

Before she could speak, Cadmus's hands were on her cheeks, making direct eye contact.

'How do you feel?'  He asked, although the words flowed into her mind, instead of being spoken out loud. 'I know you have questions, but I can't answer them while they're here. However, you're in transition. I need you to stay calm, please.'

Eden's face dropped again. Time felt like a record scratching to a stop. She could do nothing, couldn't comprehend what had happened in such a short amount of time for everything to change so drastically. She blinked, but her eyes remained unfocused. They just stared at the light above their heads. It blinded her as she stared directly at it, but she didn't care.

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