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Her body went airborne for a moment, her feet not touching the ground as two powerful hands held her waist. Eden looked down at the person holding her and smiled. He grinned in return, lowering her, before twirling her.

The evening sunlight washed the room in an orange haze as she looked at the Stone hub stationed above the kitchen counter, blasting a slow dance song. Eden couldn't hear the words, but she recognized the melody, while glimpsing at the cream-colored kitchen-dining room they found themselves in as a sense of peace overcame her.

His hands caught her waist as she backed into him. She took a step forward, twirled again, facing him before his hands reached for the small of her back, dipping her. His hands, sweaty as they were, slipped and fell off her skin. Eden caught sight of his face falling as he realized what had happened, mouth open in a gasp.

She landed on the floor with a bang, groaning. "Damn, Mischief! What the hell?" His eyes widened as she looked at him, wiping his hands roughly on his white T-shirt.

"Shit, sorry Eden!" His voice lowered and became laced with panic as he reached for her and helped her to her feet. "You know I didn't mean to," Mischief swallowed. "Are you hurt?"

Eden turned and rubbed her butt, the victim of the accident, while stretching. "Nothing I can't handle."

She looked his way, but couldn't recall what he looked like. His face was blurred, and his voice was replaced with the sound of a scratching record. The room they were in, the sound of music and everything else disappeared, replaced with the screeching sound of static. Eden tried to call his name, but couldn't remember what it was. The person with her, the room and everything else, had been replaced with static, along with black and white lines. It reminded Eden of old TVs with the "No Signal" display.

The only thing Eden could remember of this person, was his brown worried eyes. The loud sound of static overwhelmed her senses, causing her to frantically look for a way out. Eden needed to get out of there; that is until a hand touched her shoulder and shook her.

Eden's eyes opened, a gasp on her lips. She looked around, searching for the static she had seen and heard. The movement had shaken her away from either a dream, a memory, or something in between.

Cadmus's face came into view. "Eden, we're already home. I was trying to wake you." His hand moved from her shoulder to her wrist, inspecting her as his eyebrows knitted. "Did you have another nightmare?"

If Eden still had a heartbeat, she was sure it would have been beating loudly. But she didn't even have a pulse anymore. Although she didn't need to, she sighed out of habit. "I- I-uh," She frowned as she looked at Cade. "Do vampires have dreams?"

Cade stared, reaching for her seatbelt. "We do. Dying doesn't mean we stop having them. Whatever you saw in your nightmare isn't real, you know that."

Freed from the seatbelt, Eden nodded before she sat up and looked through the windshield to see the familiar sight of Cade's house. The lamppost illuminated the entire driveway. But as Eden turned to look at her surroundings, she realized her now perfect eyesight. "Night vision."

Cade hummed in response. "It makes hunting at night easier." He then tapped her thigh. "C'mon, Amora is here."

Eden looked to her right. A black car had parked next to Cade's and Eden recognized Amora's black Mustang, noticing Cade's gaze enthralled on the car. Opening the door, she walked out into the chilly morning air and yet Eden didn't feel cold. Darkness still abounded, but Eden's sole thought was that she was home, finally away from the scariest moment of her life. Cadmus walked towards her and reached out his hand, which she warmly took and followed him towards the door.

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