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As Cadmus and Eden remained side by side in the elevator that led to the building's exit, Eden kept replaying the act that got them into the elevator in the first place.

An hour earlier

Cadmus, Eden and Teddy threw themselves into action. After discussing how they were going to get Eden out without raising alarms, Teddy and Cadmus agreed that convincing everyone that Eden had a medical condition could be the way. Apparently, there were a few medical conditions that could mimic death. All Teddy needed was to compel the agent in charge, Lee Calloway that Eden was a special case.

From there, convince anyone else in the building that their information about her death was wrong. After all, they never guessed how much blood she truly lost. To top it off, Eden didn't have any affiliation to governmental work, and she wasn't connected to the string of dead veterans like they originally thought. In the end, FGCSI didn't have any true jurisdiction to investigate further. And with that in mind, the hypnotic trance Calloway and Hudson were in wore off.


"We were gone for a few minutes. I hope it was an ample time for Miss Colton to get her bearings and regain her composure." Special Agent Lee amended. "If it's possible, I'd like to ask some questions. I admit, it would be rude of me to keep you here, seeing as you're the victim and not the perpetrator; but I need to have a clear story of what happened. So please, tell me what you remember, no matter how small or insignificant the detail may be."

Eden looked at S.A. Lee and Cadmus, who nodded before she continued. Her best act was about to take place; she swallowed for good measure. "Cadmus and I went to a Halloween party a few miles away from where we live. It was the first time I had gone to one. I wasn't too keen on going, but I didn't want to remain home all night. We went to the party for a few hours, but I decided to head back. Cadmus and I separated, but I remember walking out of a house. I was drunk, so my memory is foggy." She paused, closing her eyes and rubbing her temple, her face set in a concentrated frown.

She sighed. "That's as much as I remember."

Lee didn't move, simply stared at Eden, as if waiting. Eden's eyes locked with his, her eyebrows cast downward as she waited for him to say something. She soon realized what he was doing. He didn't smile, frown, or even move, but his eyes never left her face. Prolonged eye contact always made her uncomfortable, but she took a stab in the dark as to his behavior.

He thinks that by staring, I'll likely keep talking to avoid the silence. If he thinks my mom hasn't done this to me before, he's got another thing coming.

She looked at the ground. She needed to put her act in motion, and fast. Eden turned her head to the left and caught sight of the coolers she had been inside earlier. The suffocating smell came back to her- especially the foreign object she had touched earlier. Her body shivered, and then her hands were rubbing her clothed knees. She had found her motive, and it was time for her dramatic display.

She looked him in the eyes once more. And flinched. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Her voice was soft as she rubbed her knees rougher than before.

Lee's head turned to the side at her question.

Making her teeth clack, the hands rubbing her knees became aggressive. "Was I in there?" Eden shivered once more. "I don't want to be here anymore. It's scary in here."

Lee's passive face changed for a moment, breaking. It was working, so she continued her act.

Her nails scratched at her knees as she stared at her would-be coffin, her eyes never leaving it. "Please, can I go now? I don't want to be put back in there." Eden's teeth chattered again as she pressed her neck into her chest tightly. "I don't like it in here. I can still smell the bleach and rotten flesh."

Special Agent: VampireWhere stories live. Discover now